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Whats the theory of Blazers?


Active Member
I have read alot on here about the Blazers but I guess I dont get the theory behind it. If the point of vanes is to create drag at the rear of the arrow and impart spin to stabilize it, why would smaller vanes be better, especially with fixed blade BH's? Do the Blazers have a higher profile or something? I can see why they would be faster (less drag, lighter weight), but why would they be more accurate?
I'm not arguing that Blazers are not better, I am just to thick headed to understand why.
To be honest, I'm not sure they make your shots any more accurate than 4 inch vanes. They're not any higher in profile than a regular vane, just a little more rigid. I like them due to the fact that they're very durable, therefore I don't have to replace them as often. I also like the fact that they're super easy and quick to fletch onto a shaft. Half the glueing is the way I look at it.
I read something recently that said due to better materials that have been developed the past few years, component makers have been able to make more rigid, durable vanes (as CG already stated). The big change has been the popularity of the drop away rest. Since drop aways clear the vanes, forgiving flexability is no longer an issue(Turbo nocks for example).

Something else in the article I thought was interesting is that the darker the vane, the stiffer it is.
Another tidbit of useless information.
Ok thanks, that makes some sense. I guess they arent much more expensive either. I see now that I was mistakenly looking at the price of blazer wraps instead of the vane price.
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