Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Whats Working Lately


New Member
Hey guys, Im headed out tomorrow and I am just wondering what has been working lately for you guys. Haven't been out for a couple of weeks, and am just curious what type of Decoy setups and call stragegies seem to be working for you guys. Bagged a good bird first season, however haven't been out since. What are the toms doing? I'm sure they are mostly henned up, but am just curious if they are coming in to calling/Pretty boy decoys. Thanks a lot guys
Have a good week.
Nothing has worked for me all year. Just do what I did, go to the store and buy a Butterball.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 180class</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Nothing has worked for me all year. Just do what I did, go to the store and buy a Butterball. </div></div>
We went out Sunday with PB and PG with another standing hen for decoys. About 7:30, two lone Toms came to our calls along the edge of the timber then angled out into the field just out of my bow range. One was at half strut and they gobbled a couple of times. They hung out there for a while checking out our set up and then just walked away. We decided that we are going with hens only, for the remainder of the season. As far as gobbles go, they were really fired up. Good luck!
For me it has been hit and miss. Saturday they were fired up all day long, and yesterday they shut up when they flew down off the roost. I've been seeing a lot of hens by themselves so I don't think they're as henned up as they were a couple weeks ago. My only advice is to go to a spot where you know the birds go to on a daily basis and do some soft calling sparingly and just wait them out.
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