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When are more big bucks taken???


New Member
Just curious as to when people think more big bucks are shot,during shotgun season or bow season???I know it would seem easy to say during shotgun season because more DEER are killed then,but I think when it comes down to the number of hunters per deer in each season that more big bucks are shot during bow season.Whats your takes on this???
Gun season. There are lots of big bucks taken by bow- you get to see the fantastic success here but you are seeing the real elite of bow hunters. Lots of bow shot does and bowhunters just learning having tag soup. If you really know what you are doing, it is a huge advantage to be in season during the rut. Gun hunters have the numbers and range though to more than make up for the rut factor when you add in early/late black powder, with shotgun season.
More big buck are definately taken when you are hunting.
i'm voting with ironwood.

p.s. to trx...dude, what are you trying to do to that deer in your pic? its dead already...leave it alone

or...are you puling a "triumph the insult comic dog" and trying to poop on it
It would be interesting to see a percentage comparison between amount of hunters to mature bucks killed with each weapon. I know that tons of deer are killed during shotgun season but there are also far more hunters then too.
I guess I just said bow because if I wanted to pursue a particular buck, bow season is the time to do it.

How about this as a corralary: How many big bucks are shot by hunters who have scouted them and are in pursuit of that certain deer vs. shot by random chance (ran out in front of the wrong guy)?
I would have to say gun season! You hear and see alot of stories about people getting quality bucks. But the down side is too there is probably more smaller bucks being taken than mature bucks. If there were fewer smaller bucks being taken, I think the number of bow hunters harvesting a "trophy buck" would sky rocket!

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