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When Hunting Big Bucks......


Active Member
When your hunting big bucks what does everyone prefer. Field Edges, Funnels or deep timber. Which one and why, also which one has given you the best results.
Or where you would most expect them to be.......they are unpredictable....I like to hunt them where they live....no favorite stand placement areas....just big buck stands
For me, hunting in the middle of a big timber is the most difficult. I also believe they will make to the edge sooner than later and funnels are always nice.
Field edges along funnels.Two of the areas I hunt are perfect for it.I like deep timber too because of the challenge in it.Got to put the element of chance in their once in awhile.Like Shredder said though they are unpredictable and so am I.
I perfer hunting funnels in thick areas between known feeding areas, and suspected bedding areas in the early season.And as the season progresses, and the bucks start to show intrest in the does,I concentrate on where they tend to hang out.I'll hunt these spots now, regardless if there's a funnel or not,if their is,that's even better.I always try to take advantage of funnels or pinchpoints when possible.Half the battle with bowhunting is being within shooting range,and funnels can definetly make a difference.
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