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When is Rifle Season?



FYI...I know once the new legislative session begins the arm-chair biologists will have some creative ideas of how to solve Iowa's "Deer Problems"...the Iowa Farm Bureau is all ready gearing up to request a rifle season for the state...I am sure its just the tip of the proverbial iceberg...
A rifle season in iowa will probably never happen. The population density for people per square mile is to high. To much of a saftey risk.
The chance of our gun seasons being extended into the archery season and other various changes in season structure and limits are definitely possible. This was stated by a top DNR official in regard to the needed harvest of antlerless deer this season. I seriously doubt a rifle season would ever be created here, in regard to safety and the fact that extending the gun season into the rut would definitely get the job done.

If you are truely worried about changes in our seasons and regulations, it would be a good idea to support the IBA. They are the Iowa deer hunters political voice.
Yeah but river bottom boy, if you extend the gun season into the rut we are just going to turn into Missouri and get those hunters out there that are killing any buck in sight and not allowing them to have a chance or even the big boys not to have a chance. Iowa gets a lot of praise ever year by biologist and out of state hunters and TV shows because we dont allow the gun season in the rut and that allows the big boys to have a chance to survive other than getting killed by a slug 150 yards away while take care of some business and using their hormones. You could do doe only during this time with gun season during the rut, but then there would be a bigger possibility of poachers using shotguns trying to mask their shots as if they were hunting does. I dont think the gun season or rifle season would happen and if they did i would be really dissapointed in the state of Iowa and the DNR. There are always more solutions like more deer tags avalible to residents and non-residents or maybe a longer gun season but i think they would keep it where it is in december but maybe extend the first season to 2 weedends and the 2nd maybe to like 3 weekends and offer more doe tags for both season or lower the tag prices for your first antlerless instead of paying 26 your firstime pay 11 and then like 9 or something like that.

Just my .02,

Well put River Bttm, there is no acceptable reason why every bow hunter in the state isn't an IBA member. I can assure you changes will be made and they won't be in favor of the bowhunter. I'll get off the soapbox. Merry Xmas to all.
Why not consider a late (say January) doe only rifle season? The population of the state is higher than say South Dakota but the deomgraphics of the state are similar to the eastern side of South Dakota. There looks like there are areas where a rifle season could be safley supported. Granted the rules would need to be a little different than shotgun. Coyote hunters can use rifles??????

South Dakota opened doe only seasons this year in December and again in January to allow unfilled tags to be used to controll doe populations. Could'nt the same be considered in some areas of Iowa????

Just a Thought

i think that IF a late rifle doe only season were to get passed it would only be the "foot in the door" and then we'd have a normal rifle season. personally i think our state has it right as far as weaponry. if they're wanting to kill more does they need to make it worth while and have more tags and have them cheaper. granted $11 is fairly cheap but you still have to spend $26 for your first tag.
Jason, we have had a two week rifle season here in PA since the PA Game Commision existed, we have very few firearms accidents during the gun seasons, and our population density is extremely higher than Iowa's. I am certainly not supporting a rifle season in your state, and hope it never happens. I would love to see PA go to shotgun only, but it'll never happen.
I have to agree with you Muddy. If they allowed a late rifle season they would then start to think that a regular rifle season would be o.k. I think that the extra tags and for a cheaper price would make a diffrence. Ecspecially for us guys who have already filled our tags
I was kinda reluctant to shoot the doe because I knew my season would be over. Make more tags available and cheaper prices. Merry christmas everyone, hopefully Santa brings us all some extra tags.
Darn special interest groups. I doubt if we will have to worry about this but I sure don't like hearing this. There are many more options to try before going a route like that. Also, I will tell you as I have written before that I disagree with lowering the prices for the tags. For selfish reasons, I would like lower prices but for the revenue to our DNR, I will say if anything, in most counties, as fast as they sold out, the prices should be raised. Our DNR works off of these fees and if we want good management and enforcement, lowering the price would be counter productive. Now if there were a bunch of unsold tags, I would agree. If they want more deer shot, then just issue more tags. That is what they did this year and we have proved that we will buy them. Lower prices won't sell more tags, they will just sell out faster.
150Class, its not a popular opinon but I tend to agree with you. People want the DNR to do this, that, and the other thing, but they sure arent going to get it done on less money.

If the population is such a problem then just keep raising the antlerless quotas. Most counties have yet to match demand at the current prices.

IF they are going to lower the prices AND raise quotas, then they need to ditch the requirement to purchase an anysex tag first. Make it as easy as possible to choose to shoot a doe.

From the shooting skills I frequently see I'm not convinced heavier artillary would help much anyway
we need to start thinking about less buck tags and more doe tags . does anyone wonder how many button bucks we are taking and the future of our buck population. without check stations this is starting to worry me because all the dnr is doing is guessing. if we as a state are trying to do qdm then i think it would be worth paying more for tags for check stations and such
You don't want a Rifle season!!! Trust me. I wish Missouri would at least move our season to post rut. They'll never get rid of rifles and you won't either if it gets started. People have said this before but if you had to harvest a doe before you could get a buck tag would help. You'd have to have check stations for sure then. I still think selling an inexpensive doe tag to NR hunters along with your any sex tag would be great. I know I would be happy to take home a cornfed doe if I had an extra tag to put on it. JMO
Iowa will do everything to protect it's growing rep for big bucks. Afterall, that means money and that's what it's all about anyway. I don't forsee any dramatic changes in any season. Maybe a little tinkering here and there. Don't fix it if it ain't broke.....
...I am not sure I believe that allowing rifles would significantly increase the deer harvest...there are too many already that think their slug guns can shoot deer out to 200 yards!...
I believe Iowa needs check stations and should make everyone harvest a doe before recieving a buck tag. This would do 2 things.

The DNR would know EXACTLY the number of animals harvested and also would ensure the harvest of does.

As far as rifles forget it. Hopefully you can get closer than 200yrs from your deer.

Personally, I favor Muddy. However, 150 has the law of supply and demand on his side. For now, I'll stick to not filling only one $26 bow tag.
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