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When is the best time frame to use buck decoy? NW Iowa


I realize there might be other threads but could find any that have dates or time frames. Thinking about using buck decoy with half rack this weekend 8-10. I am hunting a cut corn field edge out of tree stand. Just wondering what everyone thinks. Do's and Don'ts. Input is greatly appreciated. Thanks in Advance!


We like to use buck decoys starting around Oct 25th through about November 10th. Face the decoy towards you and upwind of you. Bucks will approach the head of the decoy on the downwind side.(in between you and decoy) make sure to leave ample room to let them circle it. Take the first ethical shot you have before they blow the decoy up. I call aggressively with grunts, snort wheezes, and rattling. Also accompany the decoy with a strong tarsal scent. We like tarsal supreme by hunter specialties. Hope this helps. Have fun.
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