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Where are the deer???



I've hunted twice since season open. Yester day after noon I was out for 4 hours on stand with out seeing a single deer. Actually I haven't seen one yet. Both of my tree stands are by buck sign. I've found 4 scrapes, and I found some fresh buck droppings. But I hanven't seen a single deer yet. There is still corn in the field where I hunt. Do you think thats where a majority of the deer are?
I've seen turkeys both times I've been out. I should of just gotten a turkey tag. What can I do to increase my chances of seeing deer until the corn is picked??
Good hunting

I would just sit tight by an acorn tree (white oak preferably) or back in a staging area. Deer are slow to move it seems with the full moon and all. Also, this is the October Lull (read Greg Miller's book, he explains it there). The bucks appear to be laying low getting ready for the rut. Things will pick up in the next week, just hang in there.
I set my trail cam about 150 yards away from a standing corn field in a funnel. I got several photos of both young and mature deer at last light in the evenings. Funny thing was they were moving from the corn, to the cover. When the corn was picked the photos were taken at the same time only this time moving from the cover, to the corn. Many factors could be contributing but the standing corn may be hurting you a little.
No corn picked in our area....I've hunted the last two days in the woods and saw 4 bucks and 16 does total...they're working the fence lines.
These three pretty much said everything and more than I would've.
I'm just chiming in to say I got that book, Shredder (Rub-Line Secrets by Greg Miller). Explained away a few questions I had, then took care of a few that I hadn't. Great book. Seemed a little pricey to me (about $20), but it's worth it.
I don't read a lot of deer hunting books, but I sure enjoy Greg Miller and what he writes. Not a lot of fluff, just experience, common sense and practical advice. If you decide to get any of his other books, check Ebay or Amazon. You can save a lot of $$ there.
We did a family hunt this weekend mostly removing mature does (4). I checked stomach contents. Shredder is right on, for my area anyway. All I checked had lots of acorns and tree leaves as I expected. The thing that surprised me was that even though we got them over clover and alfalfa coming to feed in the evening all already had lots of food in their stomachs. Obviously they had done lots of feeding in the woods before stepping out.

Good hunting!
Old Buck
I have believe that deer won't use the corn so much in the early part of the year as they will later on. Corn is a great food plot but it provides warmth to th deer also. When deer eat corn it creates warmth for em. So earlier in the season you should take Shredder's advise and find a acorn patch or staging area. There around just be patient and good luck.
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