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Where are the Iowa deer feeding right now?


PMA Member
All the corn surrounding my main hunting areas was harvested yesterday and today. I'm afraid I need to "repattern" the deer movements for this weekend. In my area with the corn standing, they have been moving out on alfalfa fields in the night, moving through cornfield edges anytime. My question is, for those of you that have had a majority of your corn harvested, are they heading towards corn stubble to glean that at night rather than the alfalfa fields. Do you see deer in soybean stubble in the evenings now? I don't, other than to cross it heading somewhere else. It is real important for where I'll set up in the evenings for the last weekend of ML season. Thanks for any input
Corn is still up where i am hunting...almost all of it...but from what i have been hearing from friends with harvested corn is that all the deer still prefer the alfalfa fields in the evening where they are at. Good luck for the rest of ML season!!
think it is all basically a gamble just because during the night if corn, beans, and alfalfa are there, they are gonna eat a little bit of each throughout the night. Determining where they will come out is kind of tough, because it doesn't matter which food source they come out of, its just a short walk to the next. I have sat on alfalfa, beans and corn so far early muzzle, and each one had about the same amount of deer come out in them, just happened to be too far away from me each time
My dad shot a doe the other day in a huge alfalfa field, who was full of corn inside as well as alfalfa, the nearest corn is over a mile away, so she must of hit that during the night I would bet I would still hunt in the timber compared to the field edges though, I never see the huge ones in fields this time of year
I sat in the same stand last night and tonight. Last night, the deer were headed across bean stubble to standing corn (I haven't even started combining corn and there is still lots of standing corn in my area). Tonight, they seemed happy to browse across the bean stubble. They didn't seem to be in a hurry to hit the corn, though I'm sure they will hit it sometime during the night.
Last night I did some mild rattling/grunting with no results. Tonight I did a grunt or two every half hour. Nothing happened. Either there were no bucks within earshot both nights or they just weren't ready to react yet (or maybe my technique stinks
). I saw four does last night and 12 tonight. I've seen scrapes and fresh rubs, so the boys are thinking about it. Yesterday morning, after I left for work, my wife and our boys watched two bucks run through the pasture next to our house. Go figure!!!
i have been seeing them coming out of the woods going thru the 10 year to the bean stubble they have been really taking their time in the 10 year thatson two different farms
I saw a farmer finishing up combineing a large cornfield yesterday afternoon. Later , right before dark i saw 7-8 does and one buck feeding in the field that the farmer just harvested.
Glad to hear you made out jNBRONC. Thursday we had deer all over in fresh picked corn and they were loving it!! 8 bucks (7, 1 1/2 olds) one shooter(my brother missed). And a bunch of does.
Well, the rain kind of has harvest on hold so I'm getting to spend some time with the early muzzle loader season. My nine year old son wanted to go with me this afternoon. Since it was early afternoon when we headed out, I told him we would be doing some still hunting (explained what that was, take a couple of steps, stop, look around...) I figured this would keep him interested without tiring him out. Walking away from the house, I told him that with the windy conditions we had, the deer might be bedded down looking down wind for danger. Walking along the creek bottom, I spot a doe standing in the weeds nervously looking downwind. We knelt down for awhile, whisphering what to do next. My son said take the shot. The doe was standing in a thicket, and fate must have interveined on her behalf. While I was across the creek looking for blood/hair, I did a sweep through the riparian buffer strip. Up jumps the 10 point I watched all summer. I found it amazing that I had shot at a doe and my son and I talked loudly and he just stayed tucked down in the weeds. The weeds were 5-6 feet tall. I had no clear shot as he ran off and he never stopped. I have thought he could use another year of growth anyway (sour grapes). The buck could have been in corn, but was bedded in a weedy creek bottom. I would recommend doing some still hunting, especially mid-day. I told my son that if the deer aren't moving, we should be. Mornings and evenings, we sit, the deer move. We ended the day on stand. We watched about half a dozen deer come by the stand at sunset. I think we have a future hunter.
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