from opening day of bow season to the start of the seeking phase or chasing phase, i was wondering where ya'll might place your stands, aside from the more obvious places, such as, setting up on a field edge to catch them coming to or from the feeding field at dawn and dusk? is it in creek bottoms? is it deep in the woods? or is it over some sort of water source? or none of the above and just in a heavily traveled area? we all know that bucks don't really move much until the rut starts, usually. now, i have a friend who has had awesome luck the last 4 years and has taken 3 bucks scoring in the 140's, and 1(a 17 point) in the 150's on the opening day of bow season because he goes out about this time every year and makes some mock scrapes(10 or 15 in his immediate hunting area) and puts out his drippers, opening morning he picks the somewhat central area of all the scrapes and drippers. i know this is more of a tactic and not a "where do you find 'em" set-up, but it has worked wonders for him. anyways before i get more off subject here "where do you find 'em" in early bow season?