Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Where would we be without Facebook? Must see story!

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So, this begins shed hunting season March 2011. I was shed hunting a close friends property alone, found a huge 4pt shed (IMO) and then the farmer had the match so he gave it to me.

Shed I found:


Well, my friend was looking through my shed gallery commented on a photo and told me I had a lot of sheds. I then went and looked at his photo album called "Trail Camera Pictures" and low and behold guess what I found?! The Buck! I also found a picture of a Buck I found dead. What's odd is this place is 2 miles away from where I found this Bucks sheds. I think he's 5+ Years old. Facebook where would we be without it?! My Mom said my reaction to seeing the Buck on Facebook was priceless.




EDIT: I will be working my butt of this year to find his sheds! Plus he made it through the season so I'm pretty pumped! He's for sure on my 2012-2013 hit list!
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Ya that happend to a buddy of mine. But he found out that the guy had been trespassing instead. stealing sheds and killing deer on his farms.
Ya that happend to a buddy of mine. But he found out that the guy had been trespassing instead. stealing sheds and killing deer on his farms.

I only shed hunt the land, I don't hunt it. Untill this year! I know the kid personally and he wouldn't do that. I know he has permission.

EDIT: Have the itch to shed hunt this property today! I'm going out ASAP here in 20mins or so. Wish me luck in finding his sheds! I'll be grind searching like a boss.
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Lawls, no way in hell that thing is 2.5. You're telling me those sheds are his 1.5 sheds and the ones he's carrying are 2.5? I don't think so.
You want to take in acount not only antler size but, body mass , look at the way windpipe hangs, or does not! Most 3.5/4.5 bucks in this state look like linebackers! Not all! But most! He has mass, and if he makes it a couple years he will be a gagger! In the same token, nobody will give you guff for putting a arrow thru that guy!! But,he's no where close to 5.5!!! :way:
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I def. agree Crockett, small head, front shoulders, etc. Give him a couple years, looks to have great mass for a 2 1/2!!!
I'm going to say he was 3.5 year old last fall.. The sheds you posted look to have too much mass at the bases for a typical 1.5 yr old, however, there are some genetically mutated Monster 1.5's out there.. I definately wouldn't put him over 3 yrs old.
The trail camera picture from 1/13 is a different buck, which might be what is throwing some people off.
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Lawls, no way in hell that thing is 2.5. You're telling me those sheds are his 1.5 sheds and the ones he's carrying are 2.5? I don't think so.

Unless that camers is playing tricks on us (which can happen with trail camera pictures quite a bit) I'm 99.9% sure the sheds are from a 1.5 year old and the buck in the trail camera pictures is 2.5 years old. Could you post pictures of the shed antlers with you or someone holding them? It's kind of hard to judge what size they are by the photos you posted. Also, you can't judge a buck's age by the size or mass of the antlers. Just like most men are around 5'10" and a smaller percentage are 6'5", most 2.5 year old bucks are 110" and a smaller percentage are 140". There is a huge range of possiblities when it come to the potential that each buck has as far as antler growth. You need to learn to age them by the neck, shoulders, and body. This takes a lot of years and carefully observing many bucks in the wild that are 2.5, 3.5, and 4.5+ years old. The difference between a 3.5 and a 4.5 year old buck is very drastic to an experienced observer.

Antler wise I would guess that buck is about a 120" 8 point (again, unless the trail camera pictures are deceiving, which does happen a lot). That is about average or slightly above average antler wise for a 2.5 year old buck. Most likely he will be a very big antlered buck if he makes it to 4.5 or 5.5, but you never know. We have seen 120" 2.5 year old bucks grow up to be 135" 5.5 year olds, and we have seen some 110" 2.5 year olds grow up to 150" and 160" 4.5 year olds.

Good luck finding his sheds this year and hunting him this fall. If you do find the sheds, I would love to see the pictures of them on here!!
its pretty tough to compare young sheds like that.. lots of 1.5 y.o. have very similar antlers

Exactly, some years we can find 20 sheds from 1.5 year olds on our farm, and most of them would look very similar to one another. They usually don't start to show their individual characteristics to help distiguish one buck from another antler wise until they are 2.5, and sometimes not until 3.5 years old.
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