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Which buck decoy?


Active Member
What's the best buck decoy on the market? If I actually try this, I want to go with the best constructed, most realistic one I can find. Thanks.
I have a carrylite and I would love to find something better. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Very noisy to carry in/out, VERY noisy setting up. I have had to epoxy a few pieces that broke, and the epoxy didn't hold up long. Not to mention, there are much better looking deeks on the market as well.

Very interested in others input on this topic as well.
I have a carry lite also. Don't use it much but I had to put screws in the back legs to keep them from falling off so that really limits the mobility. They are like carring a hollow plastic barrel. LOUD I take it out and it stays there if I use it somewhere else it goes out the day before so all I have to do is stand it up and stake it down.
I thought someone made one that's suppose to be quieter not sure who makes it though.
Well, I've been using the boss buck for two years now and it's starting to wear thin on me. It is super realistic and it draws in the deer (button bucks on up) but it is super loud and very big and cumbersome. I like to be a mobile hunter and set up in areas when they are hot, however, this decoy hinders that.
I have a Carrylite and it is somewhat unwieldy and loud, if you scrape it on any brush that is. I haven't used any others, but I would guess that all decoys will be similar in terms of being noisy to transport and so forth.

In terms of being life like...I think the Carrylite is fine in this regard.
i have used the carrylite extensively, id get the boss buck, but that may result in some "penalty box time" /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

yes, the CL is noisy, but i reduce noise by only using it on field edges, carry it to the stand assembled, (cept for antler, ears and tail), and set it up at the stand site.

in all honesty, i love this decoy and think it is very effective!!! the noise factor is one i think you can control. as far as realism, there are other options out there, but for me, i want the most realistic decoy i can find, and this one (& the boss buck) are the best option IMO,

id recommend the CL or the BB, but thats just me!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: The Heart Surgeon</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Well, I've been using the boss buck for two years now and it's starting to wear thin on me. It is super realistic and it draws in the deer (button bucks on up) but it is super loud and very big and cumbersome. I like to be a mobile hunter and set up in areas when they are hot, however, this decoy hinders that.


Have you ever used the Carrylite? I wonder how the two compare cumbersome-wise to anyone who's tried both. Sounds like similar issues with both of these choices yet here and elsewhere, they both seem to rise to the top as the most used deeks. Maybe they are as good as it gets?
I've been using the Boss and I like it but it is very noisey and cumbersome.

Anyone use the Primos Scarface decoy? Suppose to be a softer plastic. And it looks like it breaks down smaller than any of the others. I thought a couple of people on here were going to try it this season.
On Cabelas, the Primos got pretty good reviews, they talked about it being softer and more quiet. Also said there were some issues with construction/attachment of the head and tail. Kind of interesting to see Iowabigbucks had a posted review for the Carrylite. All roads lead back to IW. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Blaster</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Has anybody used the Primos Scareface? They look like a pretty good decoy. </div></div>

I looked them over pretty good at cabelas. Yeah, it is a softer plastic and may be quieter in warm weather, but as soon as the temp gets below 40 or 50 its gonna be just as noisy as the rest of them. I couldn't see how it wouldn't, its still made out of hard plastic, just a bit more flexible.

I've got a bobb'n head decoy. I can get it together quieter than I can my dad's carrylite and it seems to work pretty good unless its windy, then that sucker bob's so much that it makes noise and looks pretty unrealistic.

As soon as someone comes up with an actual quiet decoy, I'll buy it.
I have the bobb'n head decoy as well.

Although I am really limited to the amount I have used it I have only used a carrylite decoy before that just a couple of times.

Bobb'n head decoy looks horrible in a strong wind, and the counter weights bang on the inside of the body; moleskin on the weight fixed that. The head moves all over, the 2nd weight helped that but thats another lb or 2.

I carry them in put together before the hunt or the day before.

I would love to see the Boss buck in action but I went with the bobb'n head for the movement aspect.
I have used the carry lite for about 10 years now and would still pick it first hands down. Realistic, smaller than the scarface, easy setup.
You wouldnt be able to fit the legs and head inside the body.

If that wasnt an issue than it would probably add a few pounds and make it a bunch quieter.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Field Service</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What would happen if you took your deek to a spray on insulating co and had them foam the inside of it? </div></div>

Thoooought about the same thing. Thought maybe if I would spray foam sections of it to at least reduce some of the sound, but I know that insulation smells like crazy and might take a year to fully stop stinking. Anyone tried this?
goose decoy flocking would be nice, but i think it would wear off after a while and make the decoy look pretty ugly....
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