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While Video Taping...


PMA Member
While video taping were do you guys place your cameras? Where do you think the best place to video tape your hunts is from?
Good question.Am planning on doing it for first time next year.I saw the new Cabellas has a mount you put in the stabilizer hole then mount your camera on it to record.Has anyone used this before???And if so does it affect the way your bow would perform???
My wife & I take turns hunting and filming. One day I'll film her hunt and the next day she films me.
A video camera on the stabilizer does not sound like a good idea to me. If you want the hunt on video, choose Kansan's scenario with his spouse. If you try too hard to concentrate on getting the footage, the shot may suffer. Don't get me wrong, it is a good idea but just think of the footage quality you'd have with that........very poor
I purchased a EZ hanger from Cabelas and then added an camera mount from an old Tri-pod. All you do is screw it in where ever you want it. I usually put it where I can reach and adjust it. I also make sure that my bow won't hit it when I draw.....
I know a guy that has one of the stablilizer mounts. He said that the vibration of the shot messes up the picture quality to the point that you can't make out the picture. He used it a couple of times and quickly got rid of it.
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