Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Whitetail Master Academy


Active Member
I’ve been a member since day one. It’s a solid resource and a handful of Don’s approaches have proven value on my farms. Farms and plans aren’t a one size fits all approach and that’s why I’m excited for Jake to pull in new resources. Knowing Jake is probably on here, curious if you Iowa guys have any ideas on underground giant killers, “super secret” tip/trick holders on the hunt strategy, set ups wizards, farm setups, must haves, habitat gurus, etc…. I know of one for sure who was just on the exodus podcast, perhaps he’d do a farm tour? I’m really excited about the new direction! I’m coming up on my 5 year mark before I get off the Az/Mexico line and back to the Ohio farms, want to get them rocking these last few years before retirement!

Are there and resources out there you all run to other than Iowa Whitetail for value content? With hunting season approaching I’d love to discover some new, solid content!

I follow Midwest whitetail
Ben Rising
Dr. Grant
Deer Society
Hunting public
Lee and Tiffany
Exodus crew

With that said, any podcast lists that you all reccomend?
My favs are anything with jake. I like all the habitat podcasts too - there’s like 3-4 main ones & they all have a really nice spin to things & great ideas. Nine finger chronicles. Whitetail legacy, etc etc. Of course I like MW.
The Prairie farm podcast- really good…. Listen to last weeks with Drake & Justin - they did great job.

I could pry do a farm tour. Jake is a great organizer. I’m a dude that goes full bore on farms & juggling million farm projects…. So meeting up with Jake is great cause he can pin me down on XYZ.

Some folks were asking me last week “who has it ALL when it comes to deer hunting + the farm/habitat side of it?”. Like “the full package”. Everyone has strengths & weaknesses - EVERYONE. Some dudes are just stone cold killers but couldn’t fix a farm or grow a deer to save their lives. & vice versa. Some dudes have their home farms mastered but Flounder on new terrain. Some dudes have YouTube channels & claim to be experts but are way way way over hyped (I’ll leave those names out ;) ). I will make this statement…. Some of the best hunters, managers & habitat guys- not in the public eye. I’d say that’s MOST of em. I do think u can make your list & take some huge strategies from each person. U could take “the top 10 brightest minds” & each of them could teach the other 9 things they could improve on or new things. That’s what’s cool - learning never ends & no one has magic bullets or has every skill set & scenario perfected. Hunting is much like “life as a human being”…. We are all flawed & perfection is never achieved.
I like/ respect Don H..

One thing I wished he'd quite repeating is the " lack of human intrusion " mantra.

All though it sounds good on paper, ....

I've almost got to the point in a video where is see someone walking to a (blind), I shut it off. .
Same as a 10 year kid sitting with Dad in an enclosed blind overlooking a plot.
Curmuden I am.
I see ZERO education/ entertainment in it.
I like watching Winke..He's down to earth and has a lot of hunting knowledge. Guys master their own technique and become really successful on giants. Sometimes those techniques are opposite of orhers. Look at Winke and D'Anquisto from lone wolf.. They hunt with completely opposite techniques but both get it done
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