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Who do you pay attention to?


sure we all watch countless hunting vidoes, read tons of magazines and watch the outdoor channel religiously, most of them we watch to learn something and then there are those we watch definetly not to learn something but just because it's a hunting show! i was just wondering who ya'll really tune into while watching or reading about hunting, besides the Benoit boys because they have absolutely amazing knowlege of the whitetail deer! i myself pay very close attention to 2 other people, Michael Wadell and Bob Folkrod. i truly beleve that these boys know the whitetail deer extremely well! they are very informative and a lot of there tactics have worked for me! sure there are a lot of guys out there that also know a lot but not like these 2 guys, and with all due respect not to offend anyone but Realtree Outdoors is riding the coat tail of Michael Wadell, he is basically the sole reason i purchase there videos, i guess i like David Blanton also! also those Drury Outdoors boys are pretty slick, and as far as reading material the award belongs to North American Whitetail hands down!
I feel that I get most of my broad knowledge from Deer & Deer Hunting magizine. I think NAW is a review of preveious years but I get the mag and read it and have learned a few tactics. Most of knowledge gain was time put in and alot of its common sense as a smart hunter. I have my limits and attitude and dedication to such a great sport that in time I can be as good if not better then those who are seasoned in a shorter time This next generation is the ones to watch.
I would have to agree with you SplitG3 with Michael Wadell and David Blanton. Those guys are a class act and fun to watch. Dont really care much for Bill Jordan but other than that Realtree Outdoors is my favorite.
I would have to go with the whole primos crew and the kisky crew, also Hunters specialies is right up there. They all give great info and are all just good natured.
I read almost everything I can get my hands on and watch alot of videos too, I like them all. But with that said I'd say I don't really pay alot of attention to any of them, I think I learn the most from myself, getting out there and trying things for myself. All of the hunters mentioned are good hunters and lucky to do what they do for a living. Though I like the realtree videos and Michael Waddel and David Balanton and the group I don't really feel as though I should worry about what they have to say, I mean most often they are on guided hunts, sitting in a tree and shooting a big buck somebody has scouted for them. Let me sit down and have a cold one with that local no name who was their guide and then I'll pay attention. I know alot of good deer hunters up here, many of them guides for outfitters, others who take good bhucks yr after yr, I think maybe guys like this should be listened to more than what we consider "pros". just my 2 cents, nothing against any of them, they're very lucky people.
I actually pay attention to myself and closest hunting buddies and learn from our mistakes. NAW and DDH have some decent articles but just put ideas into your head rather than tell you how to's. I have learned a lot from the folks on this site as well.

I don't pay much attention to the tips given on hunting videos because most do not apply to real world (non outfitted) mature buck hunting. If a good tip is given, it is likely the guide or outfitter that gave them the idea. Anyone of us could kill 5 mature bucks or more annually if we had the funds to pay an outfitter to put us on them. Just my 2 cents
I pay attention to mostly my dad, and my gut instinct. My dad has taught me everything i know about hunting. all those hunting movies are just entertainment for me. Magazines are good too, but i dont really read the articles on how too stuff, once you know it, theres no reason to read something about the same strategy with a different title. I like to read the stories of the persons deer harvest
I learned most of my deer hunting by my own mistakes. MANY MANY of them. Though I did have some good help putting some of the pieces together with books from Paul Brunner, Gene Wensel and Fred Asbel. Good common sense and experiences in their writings. I also pay attention to my hunting buddies. To understand what brings them success has also has helped me become more successful.

I agree with Shredder on the videos.
I pay attention to my past mistakes as well as several of the guys from the kisky videos and HS videos, but only because i know them personally. I do agree with the fact that if we all had the money we would all shoot wall hangers. Look at Jack Britingham. He has the money so he hunts the good leases and hunts with the good outfitters. But by the same token I find more satisfaction in killing a smaller deer on public land that i have scouted than i ever would by killing a 180" on a guide telling me where to sit.
oh boy or should I say "Good Lord" . . . some of you have the wool pulled over your eyes

Winke's articles and The Kisky Team's video's are top notch!

Experience is probably the best teacher though.
the guys on a-way outdoors are pretty good. i've picked up some good tips from their show. enough that i am actually going to buy their videos (something i never do). as far as shows i like, the archers choice, team fitzgerald outdoors, the one that h.s puts out is good too
Team Fitzgerald rules!! I remember watching one of their videos...made me want to go buy some Vanilla Killa. I bet those guys are a riot to hunt with.
I've always liked Bill Winke's articles and love the passion that Stan Potts brings to the sport. Also, the Kisky videos are great. However, like mentioned before, I've probably learned the most from my own mistakes.
I get my best information from this site and freinds I hunt with. The people on this site have real situations and have to scout their own deer in order to be successful. Until the use of a trail cam in which I learned about on here, I used to sit a whole season before I knew of what ws in the area.
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