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Who hunts edges of standing corn?


Life Member
Just curious how many of you hunt fence-lines of fields that still have standing corn in them. I went to set a stand a couple of weeks ago on a fence-line where two heavy grassways funnel into. Fifteen yards into the field I hear a train rolling through the corn and as I step out into the first grassway I've got a bonified booner staring me down fifty yards away. Of course all I could do is stare back and slowly lift my bino's to my eyes. He let me check him out for about 30 seconds and then bolted. My question is, those of you who do hunt while the corn is still in, would I be better off waiting til the corn is out and the rut is in full swing, or sneeking in a few weeks early and trying to catch him off guard in the corn from up above?
The edge of standing corn can be a real hotspot in the early season, especially if you can get your stand close to a water source. It seems in the areas I hunt, deer activity is minimal in the hay fields until the corn comes out which makes me think more deer, including the hogs, use the standing corn as a bedding area. If you can make it work in getting close to water, they will eventually head past your stand for a drink while feeding in the corn. I have the same sort of setup as you Critr this fall but will need a north wind to hunt the area.
I would give it until about Oct. 25th and if the corn is still in I would go ahead and make well planned out approach and see if you can't connect. Here in Michigan I have several stands bordering standing corn fields due to the fact that we don't have a lot of timber on the property. We have had good sucess hunting these stands. Good luck!
I have seen big bucks hole up in standing corn all season or until the corn is finally picked. Keep in mind that 'toad' Smith developed a technique for hunting standing corn. It is rather aggressive but under the right conditions I'd be very tempted to give still hunting a try for the big guy.

Old Buck
I would give it a shot right away, once the corn is out, he could make a drastic move and find cover elsewhere on land you cant hunt
I've watched two different bucks make a half mile move here in the last couple weeks, its hard to believe that they do that
I am sooooo pumped about a stand me and teeroy put up that is in the corner of a timber where standing corn runs all along the side of me and right out in front is an open clover field.I love hunting by corn especially when it is quiet then you here crashing coming through,what a rush.......
I think hunting standing corn any time of the season is a goldmine for mature bucks. The does are there so the boys are gonna be in it or strolling around it. I wouldn't pass this spot up any day...
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