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Who is all going out of state this year.


Active Member
Just wondering how many of you all are trying to draw for animals in other states. I sent off my applications for Colorado yesterday. Hope to draw for Muledeer Muzzleloader, this will be my 4th year trying to draw. Cross my fingers. I am also trying to draw for Elk rifle for the first time. Now just have to wait until the end of may to find out.
I'm hoping to bowhunt whitetails in Illinois this year. I have lined up some private ground but I really need to get down and check it over before getting any more serious with the planning. Road trip!
I can only dream!
Unless it was for bull elk or moose "which I can't afford" that is the only reason I would go out of state. Although my best friend is in colorado and he said his father in law wants to shoot a few cows of his property. So if I can do that real cheap I might.

No reason to go out of state for whitetails. The only ones I want to chase are right here.
An out of State Colorado OTC bull elk tag is just a little more than an out of State Iowa deer tag.
No reason to go out of state for whitetails.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, Talltines, I somewhat agree that a person doesn't need to go out of state for whitetails, but I was hoping to:
Get together with someone I met on IaWhitetail for a hunt (they can't come to Iowa this year).
Stay with some friends in Illinois (I'm cheap, too
See some new ground.
Get away for a week.

I will also hunt Iowa, so it is not an either/or thing.
Montana for elk, but have mule deer tag too. Archery. Been looking at maps of the area. What are everybody's favorite sites to use?

Google Earth is pretty cool, but would like a great topo site too.
I hope to be leaving my home state of Wisconsin to bowhunt in Iowa this year. Hopefully my 2 preference points are enough !!
if your looking for mule deer come to california i have a ranch... its loaded with mule deer and blacktail and its easy to draw pay for your airfair and the rest is on me im moving to iowa in july, iowa resdidence only
I applied for a pile of tags but none with good draw odds. Best chance is Nevada mule deer. I do have quite a few in the 5-10% draw chance area, so you never know. Will mostly be hunting Illinois. I have 3 Iowa NR points but not sure if I'll burn them this year. Price is steep.
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