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Who is the IBA?


Well-Known Member
As you may already know Iowawhitetail is proud to support the Iowa Bowhunters Association.

A recent poll's results show a large percentage of members are unfamiliar with the Iowa Bowhunters Association. After attending a recent IBA board meeting and showing our poll results the following response was written by IBA board member and Iowawhitetail PMA Member Randy Taylor (elkhunter) . . . enjoy.

What is the IBA?
Honestly, how many people out there know what IBA stands for?
Iowa Bowhunters Association
The IBA was formed in 1967 by dedicated group of 12 individuals, from Waterloo Bowhunter Club who thought it was time for the bow hunters in Iowa to become organized; the Iowa State Archery Association had been formed but was more into target archery. Laverne Woock and Kiko Tovar were the driving force behind this new organization. They wanted to help build a bridge between the DNR and the bow hunting fraternity. About that time the state legislature was starting get involved in wildlife management policy, so they felt it was necessary to look out bow hunters interests. At that time there was no such thing as a mission statement, but after 36 years very little has changed. Only today it’s even more important to keep the lines of communication open.
Today the IBA is the #1 line of defense for the bow hunter in the state of Iowa. Out of necessity several years ago, the IBA hired a lobbyist to defend our right as bow hunters and save the deer herd from organizations and groups with no wildlife management experience, who wanted to cut the deer herd in half. In a perfect world this should never happen, let the DNR's professional wildlife management people do their jobs and keep the legislators out of deer management, but this isn't never neverland and we all have to fight and defend what we love and believe in, Bow Hunting. That is why everyone who deer hunts with gun or bow should be an IBA member. Ask around and see if the NRA, Whitetails Unlimited or any group in Iowa has fought to keep the quality deer hunting in Iowa. Thanks to couple of IBA members, Laverne Woock and Shann Branchcomb who have spent hundreds of hours in DNR meeting and talking to legislators, the IBA is now a respected as a group who is well organized and knowledgeable. The IBA has now become a grass root organization, that can have a large group of people calling or e mailing legislators when legislation comes up.
The IBA has two major events during the year, the spring banquet and fall festival. Every year on the second weekend in March the spring banquet is held, starting on a Friday evening at the Holiday Inn in West Des Moines. Saturday is filled with seminars by nationally known speakers and some of the best-unknown experts in Iowa. The climax of the weekend is Sat. evening when we start the evening with an excellent meal, have an award presentation to celebrate the trophies taken by some of the best hunters in the world, have a keynote speaker and finish off the evening with an auction. Some of the speakers in the last few years have been the Wensel brothers, Donnell Thomas, Dave Watson, and Ted Nugent. The keynote speaker in 2004 will be Bob Folkrod and in 2005 Chuck Adams. These folks are some of the heavy hitters in the bow-hunting world. Plan to join us in '04.
Every August we travel to the Pine Lake Archery Club in Eldora for the states largest 3-D tournament. The fall Festival was one of the founding fathers original ideas, which have blossomed into a two-day tournament that will have 700-800 shooters, on one of the finest ranges in the state. Saturday evening Pine Lake Archers prepare their famous Iowa Chop and sweet corn cookout with all the trimmings. Sunday afternoon trophies will be awarded to all classes ranging from the Open class to the peewees and a team award sponsored by Delta Industries.
I belong to many organizations, but have never been around a group of men and women who work any harder or with more passion than this group. I know there are folks out there who like complain about this and that, but come to one of the board meetings and see how much gets done in a short time. Everyone picks a job or project and runs with it. We are always looking for dedicated individuals to serve on the board or area reps.
Be sure to check out one of the nicest websites for an archery organization any where.www.iowabowhunters.org. Join the IBA and add your name to the list of hard working people who will stand up and fight for our sport.

Give me a call; I'd love to talk to you about joining the IBA.
Randy Taylor ph # 641-793-2736

Remember there is only one group of people looking out for the bow hunter in Iowa.
Join the IBA
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