Yes, all were taken under fair chase. No high fences. Just years of hard work and a large dose of good luck. It also doesn't hurt to hunt in the great state of Iowa.
I believe my 2000 buck was a Pope and Young, Iowa state record nontypical for awhile. Several higher scoring bucks have been taken since. I've also heard that one has been rescored so I'm not sure what the current ranking is. It all gets very complicated and really doesn't matter. The bottom line is being out there, having fun and doing everything fair and square.
Good talking to you at the classic. You are right. It does take a huge amount of work, but I love doing habitat work, putting in food plots, building blinds and especially watching wildlife. I just wish it would rain! My clover and alfalfa are really suffering.
You are also right on concerning the QDM. I wish everyone could hunt on properly managed land. It seems like I've spent much of the last 10 years encouraging others to pass small bucks. I'm convinced it is spreading and I have yet to talk to anyone who has tried QDM and gone back to the old way.
A little background for those who don't know the 'monkey' story.... On one of my Africa trips I sent an arrow through an old, male baboon. I had the skull on display at the classic. Baboons fight alot (their canines are larger that a leopards) and this guy had injured his second finger at one time so that he couldn't bend it. When he died the rest of his fingers made a fist but that one finger stuck straight out. I always figured that was his way of getting me last. Unfortunately I took a photo of the gesture but failed to take any measurements so the question of adding 'monkey finger inches' to the total will remain academic.
As for your total be patient. It took me almost 20 years to get my first buck over 150. So just keep going out there, enjoy yourself and see what your total is in another 30 some years (I started bowhunting in the 1960's).
Also, don't put too much emphasis on this 900 club thing. It's just an interesting number. Kind of like how many points did the buck have? How hot was it yesterday? How much did it rain last week?
What I'm impressed with is the answers to these questions: Do you hunt fair and square and follow game laws? Do you always hunt with permission and show the landowner all due respect? Do you set a good example as a hunter in the eyes of the non-hunting community? Do you belong to and support your state bowhunting organization? Do you help conservation groups like WU, DU, PF, RMEF, the Ikes? Do you help get new people into hunting? Do you contact your legislators and let them know how important wildlife, habitat and hunting are to you? Do you treat wildlife and the environment with the respect they deserve? And the bottom line, are you out there because you love it so much there is nothing else you'd rather be doing at that moment?
Good Hunting!
Old Buck