Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



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I pulled out of my driveway this morning and saw a pup cross the road and drop into the ditch in my yard. Figured one of the neighbors got a new pup so I thought I should grab it and put it in the garage with some food and water until I could find out who's it was. Didn't want it to get run over so I went over and called it, but it wouldn't come. Pulled the grass back and saw it hiding so I reached down and grabbed it. Picked it up and took a couple of steps with it before I looked at it. When I looked down it was a fox pup. I put it down right away, but I hope my scent doesn't get him in trouble with the family. Any of you know if his mother will let him still hang with them?
Momma shouldn't care too much. I'm sure he'll be just fine. There arent many foxes in my part of the state anymore!
ha. wow. Suprised he didnt try to nip you when you picked him up. Bet you wish you lived in Downtown Bigcity somewhere in an apartment building where this could never happen.
We have fox galore where I live, often with a den in the old burnpile. It's been very hard to resist temptation over the years not to investigate things a little closer! It should be fine tho.
I wish I would have taken a pic or two too. Didn't have a camera on me. He did try to nip me after a step or two, but it was not serious snapping or anything. Like a pup playing. Probably never see him again, but it was pretty cool.
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