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Who's into the bar Scene?


I know alot of you guys may not know alot about me but I'll be in Des Moines for the classic and the IBA banquet from the 3rd to the 7th. Ironwood has been my guide thus far and hepled me with picking a hotel and whatnot (Much thanks Mike). But I need some guys to hang out with Friday night and maybee another night or two. Im a 24 year old male single career firefighter and I have two loves in this world, Both are whitetails. Curious who will be in the town Friday night and what clubs I should visit. If anyone could help me out or if anyone is looking for a tag along Ide be much apprecative. PM and I get in touch via cell phone.
Thanks Corey
If you're going to be at the University Park Holiday Inn...Friday night, your welcome to share a few of our cold ones.
Corey, there will most likely be group meeting up at the IW/IBA booth at the classic at closing time Friday. See you there
Onecam is correct,
All the new mods from the last year will be buying beer all night long!
Heck yes VMAN! Muddy they are about $5.00 a beer at the classic, so ah bring plenty of cash, oh you too Liv!
if i can swing it, i'll try to be there both friday and saturday night. i'll buy vman a few, but not superturd.
Looks like im out on Friday supertec, my roomates are throwing a jungle juice party, might get a little wilder than sitting in the bar with a bunch of guys
I don't think you old guys can handle a bunch of college women anyways
LIV, I was born to handle college women! If you need a wing man you can always count on me. Ive been know to take one for the team as well..........
Ogz, should we tell Liv a few stories about college...and college women???

Damn I wish I wasn't 4000 miles away for the classic! I'd love to meet you guys and drink a few golden sodas.
I will be in N.E. Iowa shedding that week, I might be able to make it down there to meet you guys? Then again the sheds may still be calling my name, and it is quite a drive to Des Moines from the NE.
I'm workin Friday night and I DAMN WELL BETTER NOT SEE ANY OF YOU! If I have to fly to DSM to haul your sorry butts to the UofI I'm gonna do something nasty in your IV.

Saturday night is a different story.

The 'Bonker
And I thought you all were a bunch of front porch drinkers, whats up with the clubs medicsnoke? There is clubs in Iowa, I thought it was corn fields and grainmills, maybe a saloon or two here in there...

Shedhuntermd, I wouldn't bother looking for sheds in the clubs as you will probable only find a few thugged out bone heads... Wish I could be at the classic with ya'll...
Bonker, I think you should throw a few IV's in for Sunday morning
There may be a need for some rehydration.
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