Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Why did you purchase a trail camera?


just trying to strike up conversation, and find out what your reason or reasons for purchasing a trail camera were other then the obvious reasons like how many bucks and how big they are? the other reasons i purchased mine are: <ul type="square"> 1. to try and find out what average growth is from year to year as far as antlers.
2. to find out what bucks are traveling through my hunting area and which buck are calling it home.
3. to find out how deer act when we are not around.
4. compare photos of deer killed to ones i have on camera(haven't found one buck that matches any of my photos, thank god)
5. also just to see what all might be out there(no bigfoot or boogie man yet!) [/list]
Determine one bucks growth from one year to the next

determine what bucks are lurking around the area

See what is making the large rubs or scrapes in the area

For them to be my eyes and ears while I am at work
I like them for the same reasons as shredder. I would have to say that it is really surprising to see some of the bucks that you have on areas you hunt. I would have never guessed that there was the quality of deer where I hunt without the cameras. It also helps me figure out what times they may be traveling.
I purchased mine for all the reasons above plus I enjoy pictures of other wildlife.

Reasons not to buy:

-it's addictive
-once you have one you'll want more

I would agree with Bowhunt. I am really amazed what quality of bucks that are out where we hunt too. We got a picture of a HUGE 8 pointer that no one had ever seen (or admitted to seeing). If I would of known we had as nice as deer out there that we got back on our deer cam pictures, I would of bought one a long time ago!
It's exciting getting the film devloped isn't it!?!?
I purchased one because everyone else has one
i guess i jumped on the trail camera band wagon. Hope to get a pic of a booner someday
im your huckleberry bowhunt, lets make it interesting and see who gets the first 200 incher on tape
Let the games begin Liv, I will have to bring the 75 pound video camera out of retriement, and fire up the camtrakkers. Let's see what happens!
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