UL Shelter/Stove Geek
I have read where people say that being up this high causes an issue with too steep of an angle on an arrow entry/exit, thus not getting a double lung shot. I can live with that, as I almost ALWAYS take out one lung and the heart, which is as good OR better than two lungs in my experience anyway. I have had fat or tissue somehow plug up a double lung hit on deer, after my arrow has completely blown through them, and have not found them, or had a hard time finding them, due to lack of blood. The arrow exits the opposite side of the deer on these lower treestand height shots, and if the deer bleeds, it is all internally, and very little hits the ground. Since I adopted years back, going always high in my stands, 25-35 ft up, my arrow exits the bottom of the deer, Ray Charles can track them, and I have a heart damaged besides at least one lung. When I take out both lungs, at least my exit hole is low on the deer and I get better blood trails then a exit hole high on a deer. I get away with a lot as far as deer not busting me/seeing me with any noise/movement I or my bow may make while drawing or getting ready to draw, I take pics of deer that I don't want to shoot, and they never see me or hear my camera, and I don't seem to get winded, although, I never hunt in a stand when the wind isn't in my favor. I have had great success over the years hunting high, and Here are some deer kills from this last season and I was 30 ft up each hunt. The bottom pic is a buck that decided to bed down right below my tree and you can see my broadhead in the pic, showing you how close I am. The 1st deer in the pic was killed hours after taking the pics of this sleeping buck, he was roughly shot right where the buck was sleeping.
This doe was shot very close to my tree at a steep angle
These two bucks had to be rolled over for pics as there was a lot of blood that had exited out of the exit hole. Tracking was easy and short on all of these kills.

This doe was shot very close to my tree at a steep angle

These two bucks had to be rolled over for pics as there was a lot of blood that had exited out of the exit hole. Tracking was easy and short on all of these kills.