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Will he do it?


Life Member
As of 7:39 pm, Muddy had 1997 posts to his name. Will the infamous muddy break the 2000 mark this evening? Is it likely he will not have a smart remark or retort for every post? Stay tuned folks, I beleive it is impossible for muddy to not reply to this message unless he is out Goat humping and letting the banana dance...........

Ohh is this gonna be good!! Think I'll just sit back and watch. Is there any other website that you can learn about deer hunting and goat humping at the same time??
He must have gotten tired of the 4 legged deer and he's chasing the 2 legged variety tonight.
By the way, who's got 2nd highest number of posts? Somebody needs to give him some competition.
Oh Muddddddyyyyyyyyyy......where are youuuuuuuuu??????????
post 1999

the packers suck. 'nuff said.

rather than doing 2000, i think i'll hold onto it for awhile. maybe until tomorrow...unless i win some sort of prize or something. man, i can't believe i've posted so much worthless crap (and i'm sure most of you think that too) in the past few years. what can i say, i love this site!!

i can't believe i've posted so much worthless crap (and i'm sure most of you think that too)

[/ QUOTE ]

Boy what an understatment>
Way to go muddy! Did you win a cupie doll or something? I'll at least buy ya a beer if I ever meet you down the road.

Hunt on All4s
Didn't I read somewhere that the number of posts is directly disproportionate to ones IQ? And that the square root of the actual number of goats humped times the number of posts made at the time of the humping times the minute of angle of the most recent blue full moon (need a clinometer for that, or at least a sextant) divided by the diameter of the crop circle the humping took place in adds up to Muddy's birthday. Either that or my crapulator is craped out.

The 'Bonker
That is hilarios?HA HA LOL, but I like the posts, most of them, allright all of them I still want to know why Muddy won't share his goat humping past with the rest of us LOL... Maybe Shredder will let us in on it.
goat humping, geez you boys are crazy, i always heard sheep are easier, get out the velcro gloves and go to town, well thats what i heard from some illinois boys up here at school
I knew a guy who had a "stump broke" mare once!! He always claimed he was hung like a horse... guess she believed him
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