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Wind, lack of.....


Well-Known Member
Earlier today, Intellicast said I was going to have decent wind direction and speed for the hunt this afternoon.

Now, looking back, they claim 0 mph from the NNE at 5 pm. How can you have no wind speed yet it is coming from a direction?:confused:


The deer were busting me as if there was a SSW wind. :mad:

I should have aborted the hunt when the wind was almost non-existent and swirling.

Do people climb into the stand and decide that things aren't right and opt out of a hunt? I usually hope that deer might come from the favorable direction and hunt anyway.
Depending on the particular stand but if I get in the stand and the wind is swirling or if it switches I will almost always climb down and relocate or just get out of the woods completely. But I'm pretty anal about not trying to educate deer and blow out an area.
I will just keep on hunting. I do my best to contain my scent. I don't get that much time in the woods as it is - so I would never just get down because of a wind change.
Busted twice last Sunday. Went to the house. Wind wouldn't stay constant.
Shooting the coyote was a blessing in disguise and I used it as an excuse to get out of the woods.

Granted, between getting busted a couple of times by does then contaminating the area with coyote blood, I should probably give the area a rest.

Planning on hunting tomorrow morning then pull the LW stand. I spotted a tree 30 yards north that looks better for the deer movement. :D I'll hang the stand there when I return after a break.
I know the frustration, the places I hunt have such hilly topography that it's pretty much guaranteed that the wind will swirl. For me it depends on what kind of wind shift. If it's just a swirling wind about 1/3 of the time then I'll usually stick it out, but if it's a substantial wind direction shift then I will probably change locations.

Just some food for thought but I actually had shot opportunities at the two biggest bucks I've seen on days when deer snorted at me earlier in the hunt from swirling winds and I decided to stick it out anyway.
It really depends on the particular stand. If I know the deer are coming from a particular location every time, then my wind must be right or I'm moving. Now I also have stands in what I call "hubs" where several trail come to a common intersection. (usually in the bottoms, where winds are less than ideal anyways). I will go ahead and hunt these during the late pre-rut into rut without much regard to shifting winds because deer can come from any direction at any time, and I figure that I'm screwed from only one direction at any given moment. But I see so many deer from these spots at that time of the season, that I am willing to make that sacrifice.
The deer were busting me as if there was a SSW wind. :mad: I should have aborted the hunt when the wind was almost non-existent and swirling.

I had the same thing happen last night I had deer busting me straight west and northwest of me... When the slight breeze was from the NW.

Usually I just stick it out and hope something comes from an area that won't catch my scent.
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