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Worms in Deer?


PMA Member
A buddy of min's brother shot a buck in Illinois last weekend. When they were boning the deer out they found little worms in the back fat of the deer. He said they were 2"-3" long, white and pretty active. They got spooked by this and tossed out all the meat. My buddy is not sure if he called a CO about it, but thinks he did. Any one ever seen this before?
Just a little extra protein when you eat it :way:

I believe they're called Nematodes and although nasty looking are harmless. They also get shorter ones that are from fly larvae, I think theyre called nasal bots. That's supposed to be the reason that you always here deer coughing or trying to clear their throats. I would scrape them off and fry them in butter and onions with the loins :grin:
Just a little extra protein when you eat it :way:

I believe they're called Nematodes and although nasty looking are harmless. They also get shorter ones that are from fly larvae, I think theyre called nasal bots. That's supposed to be the reason that you always here deer coughing or trying to clear their throats. I would scrape them off and fry them in butter and onions with the loins :grin:

You're disgusting. I had a real cougher in front of me last week. I personally would toss the meat too.
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