Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



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So, our group shot a doe and as we were gutting her there were probably 300+ worms in her lungs/heart area and 300+ more in her guts area. We don't think we want to keep the meat because it was in her rump too...called a few guys they've never seen it before. I've seen worms IN their guts but never outside. Any ideas?
Heck no! I'd probably get sick just trying to eat it thinking about how all those worms were eating too.
Should have taken pictures of it for you guys would make you want to check your gut pile more closely next time!
I killed a buck a couple years ago that was inundated with worms... everywhere, it was nasty...

I did some research and I found that 1 in 10,000 deer get worms like that and they say you can eat it if you cook it thoroughly... I don't eat brown meat... It fed the coyotes.
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