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Wow, this guy is just mean...

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obviously its dying.. thats what happens when you shoot something it dies.. you dont shoot it and bang its dead it still takes time for them to kick the bucket. Could be worse he could have a coyote eating him alive
obviously its dying.. thats what happens when you shoot something it dies.. you dont shoot it and bang its dead it still takes time for them to kick the bucket. Could be worse he could have a coyote eating him alive

I would have atleast slit it's throat or something. No just let it lay and die. Plus, I'd have extra slugs not just 3 of them.
I dont care what anyone says. That stuff shouldnt be on youtube and sure as hell would have put another slug in that deer. Just stupid to instead of putting the deer down for good lets pick up a video camera and video tape a deer with his guts all hanging out and what not. Plain disgusting that that is on the internet in my opinion!
Let’s back up the bus a minute. Perhaps this occurred before any seasons were open, perhaps it was hit by a vehicle. Perhaps the videographer didn’t want to get charged with taking game illegally and his only recourse was to grab his camera. I agree that this shouldn’t be on youtube, it is just disrespectful to the animal.

While this may seem to be exigent circumstances, we don’t know the story.
Mother Nature is a harsh mistress. I’d rather explain to the CO why I didn’t dispatch the animal than why I did without a tag.

If all of your assumptions about this video are indeed true, then the videographer should be gutted just as the animal was.
I like the comment, "why didn't you just walk up, grab his antlers and snap his neck. And sadly i've had to snap a few necks."

This guy must think he's Conan the Barbarian.
The original uploader of the video titles it

Wounded Whitetail Deer on the Run

Then he writes on video information

"I didn't have any slugs left so I decided to tape my deer dying. I wasn't really expecting it to run. I shot it 3 times. One shot was in the front shoulder. The other one blew its front leg off then it fell and broke the other one. On the last one I hit it in the stomach. That is why the stomach was ripped open and guts were coming out."

iowa, I know people who've done what you just said. They didn't have a knife so they snaped their neck.
The original uploader of the video titles it

Wounded Whitetail Deer on the Run

Then he writes on video information

"I didn't have any slugs left so I decided to tape my deer dying. I wasn't really expecting it to run. I shot it 3 times. One shot was in the front shoulder. The other one blew its front leg off then it fell and broke the other one. On the last one I hit it in the stomach. That is why the stomach was ripped open and guts were coming out."

If that is in fact what really happened, which I would assume it is. That moron should have his hunting privileges taken away forever. If you don't have anymore ammo, go get some. The deer will likely be dead by the time you get back, but if not, put it out of its misery. Or what kind of hunter doesn't carry a knife??? Put the stupid camera down and go slit its throat. Give ethical hunters a very bad rep.
I could see a anti hunter putting this on here and making up the story about a hunter shooting it for more fuel for there fire.I dont believe everything i read on the internet.
I could see a anti hunter putting this on here and making up the story about a hunter shooting it for more fuel for there fire.I dont believe everything i read on the internet.
I kinda thought the same thing when i read it. It sounds like the person put too much thought into making the desciption sound extra gory.
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