Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



Active Member
For three yrs, I've chased a certain buck, tonight I put a 300 grain barnes X through him at 40 yards with the smokepole, guessing he'll gross 200, main frame 5x5 with about 9 stickers and kickers and a dropper, will post pics tomorrow, didn't get him. out until dark tonight.

i think i'm moving to the Saskatchwan area soon. big pike, big bucks, what more could i want?
wow lucky dog
where's the pics
Wow, Congrats Sask!!

You keep it up with all of these giant trophy pics and I'm gonna have to get a bigger MONITOR!!

(I hate to say I told ya so, but I did say we would be seeing another HERO shot before too long after the Pike!!)

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