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YIKES!!! I can't believe I am posting this pic...


Shed Head!!!
I know this has been a heated discussion in the past and I still think that the whole thing smells very fishy.....

With that said, I just saw this picture posted. It is of the Rampola buck in velvet..... You decide, is it real or is it a doctored pic????

Let the discussions begin.....

many people are getting used to the smell of fish, like all of you told me at one time dont bad mouth it if you dont have all the facts. have a wonderful day

Re: YIKES!!! I can't believe I am posting this pi

As group hug coordinator I have assessed the situation and found that it is not critical enough to warrant said group hug. You must respect the group hug’s power and not abuse it...for if there are too many, they will lose their effectiveness.

Plus y’all might start to like them a little too much...
Re: YIKES!!! I can't believe I am posting this pi

Doctored or not, I like the picture.

What if it is real???

What if all this mystery is to boost the value of the rack when someday Rampola comes forward and lets them x-ray it ! What would it be worth in 20 years after all this debate? As we speak he could be writing his memoirs.

Sound crazy? Like a Fox.
Re: YIKES!!! I can't believe I am posting this pi

I just wanna make a little comparison here.Bear with me for a minute.When Tony Louvesten shot his deer, then turned around and sold it to Bass Proshops a lotta people though that was just terrible.Not so much on this site but on most others it was whined about they only killed the deer for the money, etc..

Now Rompola does just the opposite, he makes no money off the rack, doesnt try to enter it anywhere, and just basically wants to be left alone.And people dont like that either.Now instead of shooting the deer for money theres something wrong with it because he wont profit from it.

I brought up a perfectly valid point about something being illegaly done during the transporting of the Louvesten buck.I get told the DNR used thier discretion.Rompolas never been charged with or admitted to any wrong doing yet hes been accused and its commonly believed that his deer is fake even though every scorer or DNR official that was interviewed that has seen the rack said it looks very much real.

Im not trying to restart that argument, just using it as an example.Now Milos touring with his buck, producing products with his deers likeness on them, getting his lawyers involved at the thought someone might claim to have shot a bigger buck than him, and just generally using his deer as a businuess enterprise and thats whats commonly accepted as the way record holders should act.As in my two examples above any thing besides this will surely get fingers pointed at you.Deer hunters are actually a pretty fickle group of people and it dont take much to get public opinion against you in that circle.Your damned if you do and damned if you dont.

I dont know if his deers real, all I know is by all accounts Ive read hes a top notch deer hunter and a pretty private person.And hes got one of the most talked about deer of all times as is obvious by it showing up so frequently this many years after it was shot, or staged, or whatever.
Re: YIKES!!! I can't believe I am posting this pi

Allowing the rack to be x-rayed by a objective third party would resolve the issue once and for all. Mitch has a $10,000 incentive hanging out there if he will only allow it to be x-rayed. If it's truly legit, then there should be nothing to hide and no reason not to allow it to be examined.

In this day and ago you can do whatever you want with a photo. As an example, here's Del Austin's 1962 buck "Ol Mossy Horns" resurrected:

On the other hand, if all Mitch has wanted out of this is public attention and his name in the headlines and on the tip of everyone's tongues, I'd say he has achieved success beyond his wildest dreams.

Read all about it, then draw your own conclusions:

Just one opinion in the crowd...
Re: YIKES!!! I can't believe I am posting this pi

For those of you that think the Rampola deer is real, please read ALL OF THE LINKS in the link that Nebraskawhitetail just posted....

It is my OPINION in reading all of the links that this deer is not real.... Plain and simple. If it was, Mitch Rampola would not have had so many inconsistencies in his story(s).

Great post by Nebraskawhitetail!!!!

Re: YIKES!!! I can't believe I am posting this pi

first of all i would like to appologize for ruffling REM's feathers before i get started. anyways horst is right on, why would you have them xrayed than he is gonna be in for just the money. facts are out there on this subject. luvstens buck had issues around it, the dnr chose not to press it and that doesnt make it right. i have no reason to doubt mitch and either do any of you. bottom line is the guy has more preserveerance and poise than all of us combine. he didnt do it for the money or for the publicity. he did it cause he loves the wilderness. you cant throw the odds on the table i dont care, people still seem to win the lotto and those are bad odds. alot of people here pride themselves on being ethical, and that is great. but when a world record is shot the rules seem to not apply and that bothers me. believe what you want but all of the crap demeriting the guy has to stop. go ahead and not count that deer, he is a greater hunter than all of us. he has harvested more record bucks in a area that produces crap and that makes him a sportsman in my book

Re: YIKES!!! I can't believe I am posting this pi

I better chime in. When I first seen this picture the first thing that came to my mind was the deer itself, forget the antlers for a moment. If you can find yourself a picture of Rampola and the famous field photo of the buck, you'll notice that the deer has weird eye's, seems to have alittle extra white around them. Same with the buck in this picture. Now I'm not saying the deer or this picture are real, but this is something that knowone has touched on yet. Check out both pics then decide. As for the grass not being green. How about sun rise and a golden glow across a CRP field? I know alot of people with in the "whitetail world", and most will tell you the Rampola buck is a fake. But they are going on what they have read or heard. However, there are a couple pretty honest folks out there who are "in the know" and swear the deer is real. My jury is still out. Rampola certainly isn't in it for the money, and by all reports he sure could use it. Remember how the Luvstuens (spelling?) complained about the phone ringing 24 hrs a day? And how people were always stopping in at all hours? No rest for the famous. Maybe Rampola did the smart thing. Just something for you all to chew on.
Re: YIKES!!! I can't believe I am posting this pi

Like dc240nt, my jury is still out. I really don't care if it is real or not, I'd lean to "yes" based on how difficult it'd be to doctor. up. If I shot the world record I'd let it be known but at the same time I can't blame a guy for not wanting fame and fortune and all the b.s that comes with it.
Re: YIKES!!! I can't believe I am posting this pi

Well, having read all i've found on Rompola Buck, including the link Nebraskawhitetail posted, There seems to be a lot things not quite right, from the beginning claims of record bucks shot at age 9 and 14 with equipment not invented yet, to claiming a world record typical. He may very well be the mountain man of this century when it comes to hunting whitetail, but he has no proof that he has done anything.Only pictures of question. I understand not wanting the publicity for a record and maybe not interested in the $$ it may bring, but to deny the hunting world of the truth is no excuse. Have the damn deer scored by B&C or P&Y and put all this to rest. At this point i have to beleive its not a record deer.Shortfused if he is doing it because he "loves the wilderness" he must not give a damn about the rest of us who love the sport and share our hunts honestly with others.REM
Re: YIKES!!! I can't believe I am posting this pi

Odd place to put out my first post, but here goes.

Only one person knows if this is real or not. Everyone else (including me) only has an opinion. I will not be sharing mine. The most worthwhile thing to pull out of this is that if Mitch really wanted to be left alone, and to stay out of the limelight, then he should never have claimed to have a WR, done any interview, video taped the recovery, .... He should have simply shot his deer and mounted the rack for his own viewing pleasure. By doing interviews and allowing magazines to publish pictures and write articles, he was saying "I do not want to be left alone." To later decide that "I want to be left alone" is only going to cause a lot of suspicion on the authenticity of the initial claim. Lesson learned: Once you are in the limelight, it is very hard to get back out.

That being said, we can all do our part and just drop the issue. I don't want to hear opinions unless it has to do with which treestand is better than another. At least those opinions are based on your own real experience. But even then, they are just opinions.

Must be in a drought on this site for this topic to be posting again, lets just drop... (hey was that a Morel??) ... Where was I anyway.
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