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Your own sting?


Active Member
6X6 posted something that made me think. He said if you see illegal activity report it and if possible have video proof.

So it got me thinking. I have a nice decoy and a good video camera. Would I get in trouble if I set up my own sting? With the lack of COs and no where in the future of them beefing up the force. it got me thinking why not.

I know there are possible dangers involved. What do you think good or bad idea? I know they say don't put yourself in risk let the paid people do the job. I just feel people need to start to be held accountable for their actions and there are not enough LEOs.

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I've thought about doing something like this myself. Set a decoy out about 70 yards off the road in the open near some timeber and hide nearby with a video camera. Record yourself putting it out there, record the vehicle stopping and shooting, then zoom in on their plates. I guarentee it would work. Just not sure if the CO's would even have time, with how limited they are and few I'm sure this is a hectic time for them.
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