Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Your thoughts on the hit?


Active Member
Hey everyone,

I need some advice (or reassurance) I'm not sure which! I don't post very often but visit the site usually daily but here goes. Tonight I'm out, right before the rain cuts loose, I have a doe and a buck run by my stand about thirty yards. I get the buck to stop quartering away (not too steep of an angle but not broadside) at thirty yards. I had to grunt him to a stop so he knew something was up. I let the arrow fly, it hits him just below the spine-about midway back. I watch him charge off, tail down-sort of dragging his ass end, but doesn't have any problem getting out of sight. Just as I watch him go out of sight, about 100 yards away, I notice his right, rear quarter is covered with blood? This was at 2pm, I waited till 4pm, after it had rained constantly. I wasn't suprised when I didn't find any blood on the ground, effing weather. I backed out and plan on returing in the morning to look for the carcass which is hopefully just inside the timber since I didn't follow him at all. Has anyone else had an experience like this? FYI- I was 20ft up, wasp jack-hammer expandable, and the arrow was sticking out both sides as he was running away. Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Jason
You did the most important thing, backing off. Time is everything with marginal hits. If I was a betting man, I'd say you'll find him within 200 yards of his last sighting. With this cold rain and weather, it won't hurt to wait until mid morning. Grab as many friends as you can and figure out a grid search if you can't locate him in his direction of travel.

Good Luck
If you hit below the spine and midway back my guess is you got some liver and lung... with a Jak Hammer, dead deer, he is probably just out of sight, don't forget to post pictures!
You did the righ thing backing off ... how far below the top of the back was the hit?
hey Jason Im from Oxford also. I hunt some property around town. Were you hunting around town when you shot this buck? If you need help maybe I can give you a hand.
If i was you i would hope the deer is still in one piece before morning. Around here if you leave a deer over night its fair bait for coyotes! I have had it happen twice. Anyway good luck in finding your buck!
Thanx for the replies,

The shot looked to be about three to four inches below the top of the back. I was hunting about a mile north of the river bottom. Close to where Amana Society ground joins public ground. I was on private land. I used to live on the black top road that goes into Oxford on the west side of town. Where do you live?
I live on N High Ave Just built a new house there last summer you probably know of it. If you would like a hand let me know I might get off work early tommorrow. I know of your name but I havent met you personally. My name is Toby Moran
You definately did the right thing by backing off. 3-4 inches below the top of the back is not very far down. I would say the bottom of the spine is at least 4-5 inches from the top when you take away hair, fat, dorsal bone, etc. The spine sits a little lower than people might think. That said, there is a major artery running along the bottom of the spine, and that may explain the blood you saw. If so I would think you would find him in short order. I have heard of alot of lost deer with that placement, but none described the large blood loss that you did, so I would have some hope there.
I would always choose to wait on a marginal shot, even in bad weather conditions. You cant have too much help if you have no blood trail to follow either. Good luck with your search.
There is a dead zone with no vitals just below the backbone about halfway back. You will not kill him if you hit him there. I have done it, complete pass-through. Found the buck the next day all right. He was chasing a doe with dried blood caked on both sides of his body.
Like timberpig said.There is a major artery that lays beneath the spine that supplies blood to the hind quarters. If you hit that he's dead for sure.Good luck!
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