Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Facebook Iowa Whitetails Forever site?

If utilized right it would be excellent for sharing legislation and contact info. Let's be honest, a lot of guys (myself included) find it hard to email people without a simple cut/paste option.
I come here for the info from Bonker and then go to facebook to share with my friends - I don't know a single hunter that keeps up with this stuff so I take it upon myself to inform them via facebook. They can form their own opinion and contact the legislators. Wayyyyy more impact posting this stuff on FB with friends vs IW.
If utilized right it would be excellent for sharing legislation and contact info. Let's be honest, a lot of guys (myself included) find it hard to email people without a simple cut/paste option.
Figuring out how to leverage that platform to the fullest is the goal.

My intentions are simple. Educate people on how our regulations are under attack and to help initiate a grassroots movement to push back and protect the hunting quality in Iowa.
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