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Doe harvest goals


New Member
I have been talking with my neighbors and we have really been hunting the does. Last year on our farm and a couple of neighboring farms we shot over 35 does on about 400 acres of timber. What kind of doe harvest numbers does everyone else try for?
I would like to shoot for 75, on 1300 acres. This will almost be impossible but I'm chipping at it slowly.

I would be happy to see 25 - 30 doe harvests come off that land this year. It's more attainable.

My goal is three does off of the 80 acres I hunt.
the place I hunt the goal is somewhere inbetween 3-350 does, on 20,000 acres
I can only take out 4 in there this year though
I think last year 330 or so where taken out. As far as my other spots, since im not managing land,or I should say I have no land to manage, I will shoot one wherever im at, when I feel like it
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