Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

DWGH Farm Projects Thread 2018

Looking great. You got a lot done this summer. Thanks for posting your projects, it was fun to see them take shape. Nice job on the video. I bet all that hard work will pay off with some nice bucks hitting the ground this Fall.
Dad told me he had 4.6” in his gauge in town so I swung by the farm to check the gauge after last nights rain. I was happy to find 3.4”!!! With getting this much I had to sneak down and see how much the new pond came up. Its up a good 18”-2’ and about 2’ from full pool. To say I am stoked is an understatement. Its shaping up just like I had imagined in my head. They are calling for an additional 2” tonight and tomorrow so that may just top it off.
When snapping a couple pics of the pond I realized it was a month to the day since i planted the brassica plot adjacent to the new pond. The brassicas have exploded and beginning to add bulbs. Some hard work and a little luck goes a long way.

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I went to the farm Sunday to get some much needed trail mowing done and put finishing touches on trail camera placement. I also had to trim shooting lanes through the green screen I drilled so that I could see my food plot!


Here are a few updated pics of the harvest salad/maximum combo plot I drilled 8/19

I have some DCO acorns to plant, and will get those in the ground as soon as I get the tree tubes in.
Update, I had my buddies from MI in to hunt November 4-9, they say lots of deer, one of them shot and missed a nice 8 point. After they headed back north, I stayed off the farm for the entire Missouri gun season in hopes that some of the 3-4 year old would find refuge there (with their does) and survive.
Last week I took a buddy out on a doe mission on the standing beans. A few minutes after we sat down several does and little bucks entered the field. Tommy smoked a nice doe at 30 yards. Before we could celebrate much the field filled back up as several of the deer never left the field following the shot. Before long a 5+ year old buck with minimal head gear stepped on the field and postured up as if he was the boss. I have 3 years of pictures of the buck and knew that I would have Tommy take him down if given the opportunity. The buck turned the corner of the beans in the same spot the doe had. I was running the range finder and the video camera and didn't notice that Tommy wasn't at full draw when I stopped the buck. By the time Tommy had zeroed in on the deer, he had taken a step and a half, and I watched the lighted noc disappear in an obvious gut shot. The following morning around 11 we tracked the buck in the melting snow and he had laid down and died about 180 yards away.
This was Tommy's first buck ever and he was ecstatic, I couldn't be more happy for him. He has helped me with several chores around the farm and he definitely earned this buck.


I had a good observation hunt Saturday evening. Got to lat eyes on several bucks including two 4 year old bucks called Comeback Kid and 53. A buck i call stupid 9 pointer also showed up, he is only 3 but shows promise.
Comeback kid will be at the top of the hitlist in 2019
Here is a quick video of the hunt

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I posted this on another thread but felt it needed to be here as well to document progress.
Doubled up on a couple magnum does and got to lay eyes on several bucks that should be good ones next year including Comeback Kid, P2, 53 and several other younger bucks.
The deer have really started using the bedding in a bag WSG mix I drilled this spring from Real World Wildlife Products and smashing the Gen2 soybean. I didn't count but can comfortably say we got to see 40+ deer on field. It was an awesome sit.
I ran out to the farm on my lunch break to move a redneck on the west side of the bean food plot for tomorrow's west wind. I am taking the wife out to try and poke a doe and will be a try for her first deer ever.
I ordered some bucket forks a few weeks ago for moving blinds around and let me tell you, they work SLICK.
There are still quite a few beans left, I am impressed with the RWWP beans

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