Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Sign the Petition


Active Member
Please take a moment to read about and sign this petition. We can't let this become a Republican vs Democrat issue. The Idea of transferring federal lands to the states has been gaining traction lately. Though this may sound like a good idea, the problem lies in the fact that states don't have the budget to manage these lands for public use. This would result in these lands being sold or leased to the highest bidder. Just think about these states that are constantly facing budget cuts. What do you think they are going to do when they get handed billions of dollars worth of land?

Please take a look at this.* If you hunt the West, visit the West for any outdoor recreation or even just dreaming of it for you or your kids or grand kids.* Please take the time to educate yourself a bit on this issue.* It is a real concern.

I know maybe you think the DMR is a liberal rag but this article does a fair job of shedding a bit of light on the subject.


This is NOT a D vs. R issue!


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