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Springfield XDM .45 for deer


Well-Known Member
Anyone every use a Springfield XDM .45 to hunt deer with? Thinking of giving this a shot next year.
I have not but wouldn't recommend it as a primary weapon unless you are extremely close and the deer is somewhat small. In my opinion (and limited experience) I would not use anything less than a hotly loaded .357 mag as a first shot round (and even that is smaller than what I would prefer). I would however carry a .45 ACP as a means of dispatching a wounded deer.
Really? I would think a .45 would be plenty to kill a deer within 40 yards. Maybe I'm wrong.
You'll be fine with the .45

And Lyon, .357 is the smallest caliber u can use... terrible choice IMO.

Right now I carry my R1 1911 .45 with 230g Hornaday XTP..and strictly for finishing deer.

Id be leaning on the .44mag or .454 casul.... as far as a primary hunting handgun.
Just thought I would link a thread I had about the .45 colt (long colt) as added discussion. I realize it is a different caliber than the .45acp that I assume the XDM is in, but just thought it may add some info for you. Not sure on differences in ballistics of the two.


p.s. the 357 mag will take deer down. I've done it out to 70 yds on a decent doe, and I know the same gun/load has done it out to at least 100.
Maybe I should clarify my thought a bit. The .357 mag is the smallest diameter bullet yes, but is capable of producing a lot more energy than a 45ACP. Note that I said a hotly loaded .357 mag would be my minimum. But even with that you're likely not going to knocking deer of their feet and the blood trails probably won't be awesome either. The other reason I would favor the .357 over the .45 is the trajectory. It's a much more accurate, flatter shooting round. I have absolutely no problem with carrying a .45ACP for deer hunting, I just wouldn't use it as a primary weapon.
I took a doe a few years back with my .45 springfield XD. I ended up hitting her high in the spine, so no need for much tracking.
I'm sure you guys would destroy me with pistol abilities! I wouldn't even dare past about 15 yards. I SUCK with pistols!!! If you guys getter done with the XDM, you are da bomb. Sounds like fun! I have a .40 XDM, need a little practice. :) home defense is the 12 gauge. If I tried the pistol thing, I did look into the .460 but I'd need so much practice it's not worth it for me. You'll be slaying them and I'd probably be better off with a caveman spear.
I agree with Sligh. I have a XDM .45 and shoot it better then any other pistol I have ever shot. That being said my range with a bow is way longer then the XDM.
I killed a doe with a 357 last January as well as one with a 41 mag... proper shot placement and there were no issues. I wouldn't hesitate on the 45, but I'd limit shots to 20 yards and under if its open sights.
Buddy shot a doe with a .40 XDM and said he hit it three times and it looked like it barely flinched. Eventually did get it but said never again.
As long as the XDM has longer than a 4" barrel, you're good to go. Might be better options as far as hunting handguns go, but if you put the right bullet in the vitals, it's a dead deer.
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