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Iowa Whitetail Forums

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whitetailassasin said:
To answer a very legitimite question, as long as he can prove he lives in Iowa at least 90 days prior to season and does not purchase a resident hunting license in Florida, he has as much right to a resident deer license as any other resident in this state. Why does everybody on here have to cry about "their" deer. If you don't have a helpful answer or don't know what you're talking about, don't reply. :way:

Jdubs said:
If he lives in both places 6 months a year I would say it's a matter of where he wants to be considered a resident, where he wants to vote, and have a driver's license. My Iowa resident neighbor resides in Florida 4 months out of the year, but maintains his driver's license, voter registration, etc. in Iowa. I think the law requires your uncle to reside in Iowa for 90 days prior to claiming residency, if he lives in Iowa 6 months out of the year legitimately I think its his choice, but he can't do both.

It was the forth reply............ And don't you worry bout MY deer:rolleyes:

We don't want what is here ruined what is wrong with that.

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