Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

2-bucks from the stand


PMA Member
out in the sunday pm wind. was debating to go or not, especially cause i dont have a great stand for a se wind and it is howling...but the frequent sound advice from this site...you cant shoot them from the couch...got me out. saw a 2yr old cruising with his nose down on the way in, so the wind does not have them all holed up.

we are definitely into the good time of year, no suprise...early nov... ive got 2 shooters in daylight pics and love seeing the harvest report roll in the last few days.

be safe and shoot straight!

2-bucks out.
Nothing better to report. All I got tonight was wind burn. I dont sit on scrape lines much, but did tonight because had a bruiser hit it an hour before dark a couple nights ago. Oh well, im off most of this week so hopefully have a better story in the coming days.
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