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Has this arrowhead been broken off and blunted or was it originally made blunted like this? Found this in my creek bed.


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My guess, it is a broken point.

However the Native Americans didn’t waste much; they often reworked broken points and used them as knives or scrapes.

Cool find, thanks for sharing. :way:

Yea, the point is not broken now. It does not show up in the picture, but the top is worked into an edge. I thot possibly they used them like blunt points for small game or something?
I have a friend who's father has a collection and knowledge far superior to mine. I will ask if he has found any similar heads or knows if these were a common occurrence.
What you have there is fairly common. It's a broken arrow head as mentioned earlier. The natives would re-work the head into what's called a halfted scraper. My friend and his father have several of these and they are more common than you'd think as the natives didn't waste materials. Blake pretty much nailed it in his post.
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