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Big Buck Chuck


New Member
a score on this stud 15 pointer
Sweet deer! Not sure on score. Not much tine length other than his 2's and 3's, but he's got a good frame and mass. I'll guess he's close to 150.
I think he'll go 150 with no spread credit!

I'm seeing a 75-76 inch right side, can't really tell on the how much extra he has on the left, so I'll call it 76 inches, and I'll give him a 17 inch spread credit, so that puts him at around 169 in my opinion. Could be more if there are some extra points that I can not see in the pics.
I'm thinking he's right at 170. Brows won't help get there. But mass is good. I've got video and velvet pics too. 15 scorable points. triple split in one side and double on the other. Just not any length to them. Add a kicker on the right g3.

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I think he could hit 170, sure would like to see the video and velvet pics of him. Could get a better idea on score then.
I'll try to add velvet pics tonight. Not sure about the video. I'll work in it

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