Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

HF 2410 formerly HSB610 NRLO tags

Gas prices could easily slow down the amount of hunters applying for tags and points this year. If a guy is going to scout/set up/hunt etc… could easily be 3 trips to Iowa.

Gas @ $4-5 a gallon? Plus the $600+ tag

Thanks Biden !!:cool:
Who spends $400,000 on an 80-acre hunting paradise and then let's a couple $100 in fuel deter them?
I’m not talking about landowners. I’m referring to the guys that apply for DIY hunts, or public land hunts.

Like I said before, it’s usually two or three trips to Iowa if you want to scout, hunt, possibly a follow up hunt.
Most snowflakes don’t understand it’s the principle of the cost. Under Trump we were energy independent !!! Now gas is $5, supply chains are strained causing inflation in all sectors, defund bullshit has caused crime spikes across the US, the southern border is a sieve, Russia/China/N Korea emboldened, not to mention the high level democrat philosophy of let’s give shit away for a vote over the last 20 years…..should I continue. Wake up dude. Let’s Go Brandon
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