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Most Overrated Hunting Personality

I have to give Cody Robbins my vote as one of the best new shows. And the MW online shows are awesome. I am also a fan of Gun It with Benny Spies, maybe just because I'm friends with his brother and most of his hunts are in SD - I know his type of show isn't for everyone but I find myself laughing every episode.

I'm not a fan of many of the new shows, too much post production and not enough outdoorsy stuff.

I guess pushing products has never really bothered me too much cause that is why these shows exist and I don't have money to feel pressured into buying stuff anyway! Some shows are getting rediculous though
Adam Hayes... Is a heck of a hunter. Don't know if he is even on a show anymore.

As far as overrated I don't know where to start.

Mobile Cooter using IW
I will also add that I can't stand the face paint... Too many of these people are just trying to look cool, just smear the stuff on your face if you need to wear it... There should be no mirrors in hunting.
I will also add that I can't stand the face paint... Too many of these people are just trying to look cool, just smear the stuff on your face if you need to wear it... There should be no mirrors in hunting.
I agree. They have to make it look all symetrical and apply it like make up. I wear it, but I just put it on the heater for a minute to soften it, and put a finger in each color and smear it on. People at the gas station probably think I look like a clown, but face masks make me sneeze and I feel that it helps break up the outline of my shiny face. Whether it works or not, I don't know.
For what it's worth. Forget the hunting shows for learnin. If you want to see all the new products that will help you shoot monster deer then TV hunting shows is what you need. Get some good advice and tips on IWT from top notch hunters.

TV is for entertainment like:

American Hoggers
Pawn Stars
Cajun Pawn Stars
Deadliest Season
Gold Rush

You know, those Reality shows highlighting goofy people
Rick White from HS is the only one I have ever met and actually spoke with so he has my vote...just a normal guy. I'll never but anything with 'BoneCollector" on it. Tiffany may be a sell out but I gotta say I still like watching her, I just hit the mute.
Fred Eichler - love when he is out persueing yotes!! Easton Bowhunting is good too. And then there is the one show, cant think of the name of it but it is all DIY hunts and I like that show. All about doing it on your own without the outfitters! Cant stand the one with the two brothers and dad..dads got the big old goate...he shoots the cross bow...HATE IT!
I enjoy Midwest Whitetail, and not very many others. I know many of the people getting named here; and for the most part they are all people who hunt with outfitters and/or on giant pieces of managed ground. These people are great business people, which means they are on some of the best ground, with all the equipment and food to be consistently successful (especially with a gun over late season food). That doesn't impress me.

What impress's me is someone who will eat a tag because of their standards; not fold to the industry pressure of killing 1,000 animals a year.

One guy who is the real deal is a guy named Dan Infalt from Wisconsin. He has consistently killed big deer on public land his whole life. If you don't know the dude, get to know him. You'll learn something!!!
This post is awesome. Honestly, I DVR the retarded shows on TV so I can make fun of people when I'm drinking Busch Light. Yeah, I'm weird. Anyways, it seems that most of the people on TV are nothing more than 'trigger pullers,' meaning that they don't put in any of the work, but instead only hunt with outfitters who do the work for them. To me, the hard work that goes into killing a big deer on a consistent basis is what makes it so special once success happens. Otherwise, it's just killing.

I know there are some great guys out there in the industry, but there are also quite a few who just have money to back them and that's how they've made it. I don't doubt one bit that a lot of you reading this are better hunters than the majority of 'pros' on the web or TV, the only difference is that you decided to do something different.

The sponsorship thing....well, they've gotta pay their bills. There is a fine line though between pushing too much and being 'ok.' Ugh...enough with this rant.....time to look through the newest shows on my DVR :D
While I'm far from being overly obsessed with celebrities, the crew I would most like to share camp with would be the Primos boys (on an elk hunt). They are down to earth, respectful, and really know how to get it done when it comes to elk hunting.

The show I most watch, Midwest Whitetail, hands down. :way:
Most hunting shows are simply a personal video album of personalities hunt. Midwest Whitetail is one of the few good ones that actually help hunters out.
underrated--Winke, i just stumbled across Midwest Whitetails a couple months back and dig the show.

ovrerated--Waddel, the guy just gets under my skin. I lost interest back in the early days of Realtree Roadtrips, the way I thought (hoped) the show was going to work was he would travel around and hunt with regular guys? I remember one episode where he was Turkey hunting (can't remember the state) the host allows him to stay with his family and Waddell became annoyed cause the guys spot was noisy (too close to the road)......well welcome to the world of real hunting Michael!

I'd love to see a few of these hunting celebs stuck hunting state forest land for an entire season and see how well they do. Some would do well but I believe the vast majority would flop.

The marketing makes me sick...........
Most overrated: Hank Parker 3D and Bucks of Tecomade. Nothing but a bunch of baiters who hunt on ranches that only rich guys could afford to hunt on. Then they talk about how "tough" the hunt was. So you are telling me it was difficult to climb into a tower blind with a 30-06 and shoot a deer over bait??? The only thing that is difficult for them is to decide which 170" + deer eating their C'mere Deer to shoot.

Most underrated is The Meat Eater with Steven Rinella. If you havent watched this show, do it. This guy does it the hard way and actually eats what he kills. He demonstrates what hunting is supposed to be. For the most part he only hunts public land too. I also love Tred Barta. Any guy who hunts on the ground with a long bow deserves some props! Sucks he is paralyzed now.

Most shows make me sick because they commercialize deer hunting and just give fuel to the anti hunters. No wonder anti hunters think hunting is just killing with no sport to it. I would too if I watch some of the crap that is produced and didn't have a clue how things really work for the average joe like myself.
Underrated Hunters - Steve Snow, Dan InFalt, Bill Winke, Mark Drury (yes he is that good), Adam Hayes, Ben Rising (this guy has patterned and killed multiple Booners - I don't care where you hunt it is not easy)
"I'd love to see a few of these hunting celebs stuck hunting state forest land for an entire season and see how well they do. Some would do well but I believe the vast majority would flop."

X2 on this. Hell, i would loved to see them deal with only having a 150 acres of private that is owned by a farmer who would just assume kill every deer in the state, while working 40-60 hours a week like I do...... Give me all of the time and world and a crap ton of money so I can buy and manage 1000s of arces and I will kill a booner every year too.

The best shows for me are the ones I can relate to. Lee and Tiffany and Drurys, etc. are just not realistic for most of us. I would love to see the L&T or the Drury's hunt public. I think most guys on this site could kill the caliber of deer they do if we had the time, $ and resources they do. Many still do without.
I flip the channel anytime I see hunting in Texas.

Buck comander has to be one of the worse.

The drop zone guys where gun hunting the first week of KY gun season 2 years ago . They were on private ground owned by a guy trying to start an outfitter business, While I was on public gound thats real hard to access about 600 yards away. I was bow hunting that stand and saw 3 deer I know they would have shot , but they were just siitting in there big heated blind waiting for a buck to come to the corn pile put out by the land owner. They went home with no usable film. No skills on their part or they could have killed something that is an awesome farm I tried to buy. They just go where they are told to sit.

Last year Brenda Valantine hunted that same blind same results.

I know David Hale and Harold Knight and they are really good hunters, But I hated to watch their shows because I drive by the high fenced area lots of the deer from their show were killed in.

I do enjoy the Dury Brothers show, but not dream season.
The best shows for me are the ones I can relate to. Lee and Tiffany and Drurys, etc. are just not realistic for most of us. I would love to see the L&T or the Drury's hunt public. I think most guys on this site could kill the caliber of deer they do if we had the time, $ and resources they do. Many still do without.

Although I don't watch any of their shows, I have a lot of respect for both groups you described. They manage the crap out of their ground, and help build those giants you see them kill. They all started at the bottom, and worked their way up. It would be a lot harder to do the same today, because 1, the "hunting show" industry is flooded with "professional hunters", and 2, your dollar isn't going to go very far today with the way the economy is.

But I would not doubt, if you took Lee Lakosky, Mark or Terry Drury about anywhere, in time they would learn the habitat, deer movement, and food source, and kill a mature buck. Might not be a 170 inch deer, but would bet they would be on the 5.5+ year old bucks.

Don Kisky is another one that is underated in my opinon. He had a hunt where he went onto public ground and killed a big deer. He is just a good hunter, and a full time farmer.
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