Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Movement Update...

Went out this morning to see if they would be moving after the rain. Being the dork that I am I forgot my safety harness and I wasn't about to climb up my tree without it so I sat in the truck and glassed the crp in front of me. Seen 3 doe and nothing following. About 8:30 or so decided to drive the gravels. Nothing moving around the farm I'm hunting. Seemed to be a really slow morning. I guess that wind didn't help much.
This goes along with the mid day movement post...my son just got out of the tree (he has a late start for school and ended up sitting another hour past that because of so much deer movement. He said almost all of the movement was after 9 this morning. He said it was like everything had settled down, and then whammy stuff moving and being pushed all over...I think he saw 5 or 6 different bucks and a couple small groups of does all between 9 and 11. I'm stuck in the office, so glad one of us got to enjoy this beautiful morning!!!
Went out yesterday morning out by Winterset and had 3 bucks chasing a doe and then 2 others out cruising so Rut is starting! Next couple of days i feel like should explode with action
Nonstop chasing today from 4pm till dark.Every doe group that came out had a buck or two check them and chase them.Rattled in two others that werent quite big enough.
Get out there!
I'm with the captain! Ruts on...but you'll never know it from the couch or the bed!!! My mom is 89 and is really old school, and she also got me started trapping. Her motto was..."you can't catch them hanging in the shed."
I had a nice one at five freaking yds and couldnt shoot. Tried stopping him at 18 yds and he wouldnt stop. Following the does and had no interest in my grunting to stop him. Kinda bummed tonight about it. Second time Ive had him at less than 25 yds and not able to get a shot off.
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Today (a total of 8 hrs. in two stands) was as uneventful as last night was exciting. The wind blew like crazy here today, but then tonight it got really calm right at dark. From our house you can see a good stretch of river bottom and almost an hour after sunset I could still clearly see deer in binos out in the fields. I think this wind mixed with the moon and then the calmness tonight kept things pretty slow around this area today.
Today (a total of 8 hrs. in two stands) was as uneventful as last night was exciting. The wind blew like crazy here today, but then tonight it got really calm right at dark. From our house you can see a good stretch of river bottom and almost an hour after sunset I could still clearly see deer in binos out in the fields. I think this wind mixed with the moon and then the calmness tonight kept things pretty slow around this area today.

Same thing where I hunted in SW iowa today... this morning I hunted a hilltop (stupid) and it was windy as hell and all the deer I saw looked like they thought they were being stalked by a drunk hillbilly with a highpower.... very nervous... Tonight I sat a brushy draw and saw movement starting at 3pm but no shooters.. coyote came through about 6 and ended my evening early :(
I hunted for about 2hrs tonight, and didn't see deer until about the last 30mins, three does that ate in a picked bean field and then a buck (not sure how big) came and ran the does around, he was ready to go. I also could hear some sparring going on, couldn't see it though. The wind was howling here too. I tried to get out of my spot as quiet and stealhy as possible, but I spooked 2 does for sure that were in some tall grass and I heard something snort at me from the timber. My first night out ever with a bow, and it was a blast!

I hunted in south Hamilton county.

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took a buddy out to the ground blind that sits on the edge of a 40 acre cedar and oak timber. The blind then looks over a half acre food plot i planted this spring. Long story short, got into the blind at 2pm. I did the rattling and managed to get one dink 70 inch monster to come in around 230 then didn't see squat till around 10 min before dark and that held a big doe. he was going to shoot her, close but no cigar.
I went out in western Iowa and sat all day. Only saw 4 deer all day, missed a 160+. I was sitting on the bottum of a ridge though so was out of the wind a little.

Not one deer, sat most of the day in MN (gun season) very poor, 40+ mph winds. Very few deer were shot due to high winds
Sat from 5 til dark and saw 6 deer. Young fork buck harassed a couple does the entire time. Wish the big boys would get going.
Some bucks

Few bucks last night,young ones no does, buddy seen nice one this morning.nothing really in full rut yet that we have seen,marshall county.
Got out at 3 today and hunted on the backside of a brushy ridge. Sheltered from most of the wind. Saw movement the entire sit, mainly browsing. 15-20 does and fawns along with a couple of 1 yr old dinks stirring things up from time to time.

Saw deer everywhere in the ditches along the road on the drive home tonight.
Out in the stand this morning. Deer seem to be moving about an hour earlier than they have for say, the last 6 months or so......... must be the weather change coming or something.
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