Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Nice Cat Mount for Sale

Always promote quality taxidermy


Can anyone find that post from many years ago now where the whitetail buck had golf balls for eyes? I LOL'ed on that one pretty good! Actually, I LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL'ed on that a few times. :)
I wish there was a best offer. I would definitely be putting $10 on it just to see if I can get it for a show piece.
I didn't even realize that they made a wiener dog form for taxidermy. That's pretty awesome. It would go great next to the wall eyed whitetail a guy did for my brother about 20 years ago.
Phew, I read the original post and looked at the pic and almost had to ask "What the H are saying is quality??" but was going to refrain so as not to sound like a gremlin. I see the humor as I read on! :)
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