Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Old friend


I hunt days ending in Y
horney 10:17.jpg

Unreal. Deer on the right is a antler doe. She is at least 10 years old. Always in velvet. They freeze off. Thus the big bases.
She's pretty cool, wonder if she has any teeth left? You never know what nature will do, it's awesome you got to know and experience her for so long. She must be lucky come deer season.
I've had chances on her with a bow. But one gunshot and she's down for a week. Then only at night.
The old gal must have gotten smart at a very early age. It is always nice to see a old friend make it thru hunting season. Her time now is very limited if she is as old as you say. Good things do happen, and she seems to be one of those.
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