Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



the farms i hunt here in ohio hold some pretty big monsters but of course just like any other place there would be a lot more monsters if the people hunting the neighboring farms would stop shooting small bucks! my questions are: has anyone on this site ever approached neighboring hunters about doing this and if so how did you go about approaching them, and was it sucessful?
this is a big problem here in ohio and some of you guys on here wouldn't believe the sizes of some deer not just bucks that have been killed here as far as small deer, so many deer are killed that barely break the 60 pounds field dressed mark. to me that is ridiculous to shoot something that is that small!
Invit your neighbors over for a BBQ and beer, don't even talk deer! Get to know them and find out what their interest are. Play on that and after about your third BBQ you will be able to tell them what you have in mind. Get to know your neighbors first.

Hunt on All4s
I would ask them what their thoughts are on qdm. If they are hostile about it, dont' push it. If not, then discuss the situation and just tell them what you are trying to accomplish. If they are interested in hunting quality deer, they will follow your lead.

Good Luck,

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