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Rage Broaheads

They seem to work pretty well for me. Tried them last year and shot 4 does and a good buck with them none of them went over 75 yards.They worked alot better than my fixed blades I was using.Its all about shot placement you take shitty shots you will have trouble.
I'm not saying anything bad but my buddie shot 2 does this year with 3 blade rages. To say the least we never found them. It could of been bad placement but we had real good blood. Last weekend he switched to Muzzy and shot a doe and the broadhead stopped went in and stopped on the opposite shoulder from where it went in. The deer went 30 yards and was bleeding just as good as the deer shot with rage. I don't have anything against rages or any other broadhead, but when I can get good quality for 20 bucks I pick Muzzy.

It's all shot placement.
Grizztrick...made by Slicktrick. You wont be disappointed. 4 blades put a BIG Round hole in em and there is absolutely no issues with penetration. They are as sharp as any broadhead or sharper and they will blaze right through em...Try em..I dare ya.
Rage results

Tried Rage 2 blade for the first time this year and was impressed. Had a straight in and out shot with a doe I shot last week. Broke ribs going in and out at 30 yards. Insane cutting diameter with a good blood trail even though she only ran 40 yards. I am a believer now.

This broadhead will be coming out next year and while I have no dog in the fight (shoot slick tricks myself), it does address many of the concerns and problems that those with Rage trouble have had.

Randy Ulmer, whose brother invented it, had his Rage broadhead open mid flight at the ATA show ( I believe?) 100 yard shoot off. Piled into the carpet and he has taken ALOT of animals with the Rage. This head seems to address pre-matured opening and is more stout. Won't be out until late this year I believe but Dan Evans at TT makes rock solid equipment and really likes this head.

Called the Ulmer Broadhead

I have used Rages this year and dont like them. I killed one doe with it and she went 20 yards and piled up. Then i have shot two other does, followed a blood trails annd never found them. Now I shoot muzzys. I have killed 2 does with them and both of them only got 30 yards at a dead run. Both piled up before they could get over a fence.
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