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So-called celebrity deer tags


I was only made aware of existence these tags very recently. Is the provision for these tags in the Iowa Code? If not, where can I find it? I’d like to learn more about the “program.”

I’ve seen it referenced repeatedly that the purpose of celebrity deer tags is to promote IA deer hunting. Is this spelled out in the text of the program? If not, who first started talking about it as having such a purpose?

In respect to “promoting IA deer hunting”, who is IA deer hunting being promoted to? R’s? NR’s? Who are the intended beneficiaries of the promotion? In what ways are the beneficiaries receiving a benefit?

I figure before I start sharpening my pitchfork I’d try and gather some basic information about what IA celebrity deer tags are all about.

Thanks everyone, in advance.
I believe a few years ago they were trying to do away with the celebrity style tag and were gonna award some Iowa organizations (whitetails unlimited, DU, PF and others) 1 to raffle or auction as they please. Not sure whatever happened to that
Try Iowa Code 2022 483A.24-3 I can't get you a link to the .24-3 part, the closest is .24, you'll need to scroll down.

Link <483A.24> If that doesn't work just google Iowa Code 483A, there is an index at the top and .24-3 starts aways down the page. 483A has most of the licensing stuff.

Here is a link to the Iowa Administrative Code (2022) that sets the rules for the law (483A.24-3)

Link: <Admin code> I couldn't condense it down to a single PDF so you'll be doing some clicking.

This pretty much spells out the who and how of the these tags.

Happy reading.
With every good intention there are unintended consequences. Call me pessimistic, or a whatever you want, but here is where I feel we could be headed with the conservation tag program. Two things that might happen.

Thing 1: These tags are supposed to go to conservation groups. There is one group who is not a conservation group that was given a tag to auction because the DNR was told to give them one. As more non-conservation groups want to get in on the gravy train, they will know someone who can exert pressure on the DNR to give them a tag, just like the old time Governors tags. Thing 1.02: There will be such a demand by conservation groups more tags will be created lessening the value of the tag, but the groups will still make money. Thing 1.03: There will be such a demand for these tags by conservation groups that the DNR will institute some sort of revolving tag system so any given group will only get a tag every other year or maybe even every third year. Perhaps conservation groups can get preference points.

Thing 2: The Legislature sees the money these tags are generating and decides to open the flood gates and cries "All-y all-y oxen free" and opens the doors to whomever wants to buy a deer tag in Iowa.

Anytime this much money is being thrown around people start to take notice and try to figure out how to get a piece of the pie.
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