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SSB 3074 A tax/ways and means bill that affects IWILL and the trust fund


Life Member
This is a 118 page bill that covers a lot of ground on a lot of different tax topics. I haven't figured out for sure what it actually does to funding the trust, it doesn't appear to be raising the sales tax it may be changing allocations for where the money would go it the sales tax is increased. When I get a better explanation, I'll share it or if you feel like trying to figure it out plese share your thoughts.

Link: <IWILL and the trust fund>

A link to IWILL: <IWILL Info>
This bill does indeed increase sales tax and therefore fund the trust. It also has language that seems to change how the trust would be administered. The bill seems to have a broad base of support when looking at lobbyist declarations.

There has been a Ways and Means subcommittee appointed and they are projected to meet Monday or Tuesday. The subcommittee is as follows:

Senator Dan Dawson, Senate District 8, Parts of Council Bluffs and Pottawattamie County. Legislative web page: State Senator (iowa.gov) Legislative Email: dan.dawson@legis.iowa.gov

Senator Joe Bolkum, Senate District 43, University Heights, Hills, parts of Iowa City and Johnson County. Legislative web page: State Senator (iowa.gov) Legislative Email: joe.bolkcom@legis.iowa.gov

Senator Roby Smith Senate District 47, parts of Davenport, Bettendorf and Scott County. Legislative web page: State Senator (iowa.gov) Legislative Email: roby.smith@legis.iowa.gov

Senator Pam Jochum Senate district 50, Dubuque and parts of Dubuque County. Legislative web page: State Senator (iowa.gov) Legislative Email: pam.jochum@legis.iowa.gov

Senator Brad Zaun Senate District 20, parts of Urbandale and Polk County. Legislative web page: State Senator (iowa.gov) Legislative Email: brad.zaun@legis.iowa.gov

List of lobbyist declarations so far:

SSB 3074 Lobbyist declaration page

Of course, this doesn't mean the group the lobbyist is representing s in favor of all the sections of this bill.
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