Albino buck killed

I have been lucky enough to see this deer a number of times. What I am upset about is how light his fine was, he admitted to killing it and leaving it lay and he is only charged $127.50
What saddens me is a stupid law that makes it illegal to shoot and keep a deer like that. Game laws should be based on biology not emotion.
what I don't understand is a black deer or calico is more rare- but you can kill them, correct?
This makes me sick with anger. First because of a less than $130 fine for poaching a 1 in 100,000 deer. Second because such a rare and beautiful animal was killed, stripped of its antlers, and the body was left for the birds. Complete disrespect, not only for the animal but for the community that loved watching the deer, year after year.
He said he didn't know it was a white deer when he shot it?? Wonder what the hell he thought he was shooting at??
Hard to believe he didn't realize it was white, or that he didn't cut the antlers off.

Did anyone else hear what they said at the beginning of the video tho? "At more than 450,000 state wide, there might be more now than EVER. But these (albino deer) are still something special"

Do people or the general public rather, think there are more deer now than EVER? Obviously, non hunters aren't on the same page as us hunters are as all we have been discussing lately are deer numbers.
As I'm sitting here talking with a kid who I'm taking out hunt he said "I'd love to shoot a white deer" I then explained it was illegal. Most people don't know, you guys don't know the full story. Maybe he shot the buck and then couldn't find it. $120 is probably a trespassing ticket. I know a lot of people that I've argued with about shooting white deer. Most people think it's legal.

Edit: But he could have easily lied about it.
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Is he colorblind? Even if he is, I'm thinking a white deer would look a lot different than a brown one. Maybe he was wearing dark sunglasses! Not sure how you mistake a white deer for a brown one. Not knowing that shooting white deer is illegal, I get, as some are not informed like others. But, probably should have brushed up on regs before hitting the field. That would have been awesome to see a white deer in the wild...I've only seen them on tv or photos.
Is he colorblind? Even if he is, I'm thinking a white deer would look a lot different than a brown one. Maybe he was wearing dark sunglasses! Not sure how you mistake a white deer for a brown one. Not knowing that shooting white deer is illegal, I get, as some are not informed like others. But, probably should have brushed up on regs before hitting the field. That would have been awesome to see a white deer in the wild...I've only seen them on tv or photos.

First thing any hunter sees while out hunting is the rack coming through the trees.

We weren't there so we cannot speculate on what happened.

Like I told my CO, I feel that if its on my land and its deer season then we should have every right to shoot it. They will argue with you but it's the truth.
Seems there are a couple of violations here: shooting a protected white deer and wanton waste. Usually poachers get charged restitution to the state which is somewhere around a grand.

Not sure how this guy gets off with a fine under a buck fifty.....
They probably let him off easy because he came forward and owned up to what he had done. Stupid mistake- but at least he came forward.
It's certainly possible that the guy didn't know it was illegal to shoot a white deer. It's not very prominently stated in the regulations. I think last time I saw something in print it said it was illegal to shoot "predominantly white deer". Shoot a calico & you're a hero, unless it's too white, then you're a criminal???? :confused: Probably someone in his party told him it was illegal & they left it. Personally, I could care less about shooting a white deer. However, I would like to see the fine for wanton waste be about 10x what he was fined.

There is no "management" reason to not shoot white deer. It's only thanks to the DM Register that its illegal. One of the first color pictures they ever published (back in the day) was a half page shot of a white doe someone had shot with a huge red blood spot on her chest. It was written up as in information piece on the front page of the Sunday sports section but any moron could see their reasoning for printing such an incredibly tasteless picture (and it wasn't to show off their new color printing press :rolleyes:) . Sure enough, within a couple months the state legislature outlawed shooting predominantly white deer in Iowa. Once again, politics trumps reason... :mad:
Stupid rule, deer like that are true trophies and deserve to be shared. Anything that is rare and hard to find will always be sought out in any illegal realm. It is a tragedy to see a deer like this left lay with his antlers hacked off. Would love to see the cape saved (probably not possible now) and a reproduction of his antlers made and mounted.

Sad deal.